TheBigBlack's Rock Top 10
 2006-07-04 Johnny Cash - American V, A Hundred Highways.jpg)
[A-270 | R-2765]
Johnny Cash
American V, A Hundred Highways
Country | Album | 4 July 2006
Ah J.C. The last great American outlaw. I shed a tear when the ol' guy finally kicked it (a tear? I cried for 3 days straight, wrapped in a rug on the couch watching Ricky Lake and Oprah reruns), but I have been a fan since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, so that's justified. This is the last works of the first Man In Black (and the best one - although I am still pretty FUCKING AMAZING as far as I am concerned.), and Rick Rubin has treated it as he intended. It's possibly not as strong as American 1 or 3, but craps like a naughty seagull all over 2 and 4. The songs selection is mostly reflective, and you can hear in his voice that this is a farewell gift. R.I.P. M.I.B.
 2006-09-12 The Mars Volta - Amputechture.jpg)
[A-335 | R-2038]
The Mars Volta
Alternative Rock | Album | 12 September 2006
As always, The Mars Volta have impressed me immensely. The songs weave and twist to make a complete album in much the same way that 2 naked bodies weave and twist in a game of nude Twister.. This is possibly not quite as accessible as 2005 Frances The Mute, but still a very worthy display of the duo's amazing writing talents - and at the end of the day, you don't listen to The Mars Volta to hear accessible music, you listen to it to be pretentious and arty turdburglar. Viva La Heroin.
 2006-06-xx Radio Birdman - Zeno Beach.jpg)
[A-579 | R-3397]
Radio Birdman
Zeno Beach
Punk | Album | ?? June 2006
After not releasing any new material for nearly 2 decades, it was a surprise to me that this bunch of balding 50-somethings could produce an album this punchy. The tracks are in your face surf punk worthy of the Birdman logo. Being distributed by SubPop label, the production is sharp and the guitars are like buzzsaws. I'd be surprised if any fan of classic Radio Birdman that was around in their day wasn't impressed by this, and if they weren't, I'll turn of their dialysis machines.
 2006-02-04 The Living End - State Of Emergency.jpg)
[A-245 | R-3058]
The Living End
State Of Emergency
Punk Rock | Album | 4 February 2006
First Radio Birdman and now The Living End? This must be the year of the comeback. Not that The Living End went anywhere. They just stopped making music worth listening to. This is a mix of the old energy of the band and the new polished (and probably rather expensive) production to make what is possibly their best album yet. The old rockability groove is back in most tracks, with their anthemic choruses. That's a pretty big achievement for a band that most left for dead a while back. P.S. Daniel Johns - This is the same review I would like to use for the new Silverchair album next year, so don't let me down, fuckface.
 2006-09-05 Audioslave - Revelations.jpg)
[A-624 | R-12226]
Alternative Rock | Album | 5 September 2006
I think they have finally done it. The have finally put together a cohesive album that is as good as the sum of its parts. Tracks like 'Original Fire' and the brilliant opener 'Revelations' groove with that Rage Against The Machine style, but are fuelled by Chris Cornell at his vocal best. Great to drive to.
 2006-06-17 The Butterfly Effect - Imago.jpg)
[A-1155 | R-4863]
The Butterfly Effect
Alternative Rock | Album | 17 June 2006
I was quite disappointed on my first couple of listens to this. I certainly isn't as heavy as previous offerings, and the band seems to have lost some of its Tool-isms in favour of finding their own identity, but after a few listens I discovered it all worked anyway. The harmonies and melodies have been increased, and the production is top notch. Don't be fooled though - there are still the epic vocal choruses, just fewer of them in favour of some lighter tracks. If you liked the early stuff you may be disappointed by this, but then again, much like me, you may be quite surprised after some time to properly digest it. Let's hope that based on their music maturing, their singer will stop dressing like a dipshit at concerts.
 2006-05-02 Tool - 10,000 Days.jpg)
[A-36 | R-3765]
10,000 Days
Alternative Rock | Album | 2 May 2006
Dark and brooding - This is obviously Tool. From the first notes of 'Vicarious', there is no mistaking them. This still isn't as powerful as 'Undertow' or (the ultimate masterpiece) 'Aenima' for me, but after repeated listens it does get under the skin like a piece of bamboo under your fingernail in a POW camp. It possibly would have been higher on the 10 had they left out the occasional unrelated 'ambient' track between songs, as these just seemed to break the momentum, and are usually utter shit anyway. P.S. - Maynard is still one of the greatest vocalists in modern rock, but he should say goodbye to that 'A Perfect Circle' tomfoolery and prove it to us more often with a real band like this one.
 2006-08-29 Bob Dylan - Modern Times.jpg)
[A-123 | R-12227]
Bob Dylan
Modern Times
Classic Rock | Album | 29 August 2006
For a guy that claims he never looks back, it surprises me that Bobby D would record an album of 30s and 40s inspired music. This is Dylan at his second wind peak. Following on from the huge success he has had with his previous 2 albums 'Time Out Of Mind' and 'Love And Theft', this is magic to the ears of us diehards - sang in his familiar recent croak, and played like a man in his teens, not his 60s. The Rolling Stone rated this album of the year, and described Dylan's voice as 'a cathartic death rattle'. I don't think I could better that comment, so I won't try.
 2006-03-06 David Gilmour - On An Island.jpg)
[A-596 | R-3498]
David Gilmour
On An Island
Rock | Album | 6 March 2006
David Gilmour is da man. There is no other guitarist on the planet that stirs the emotion that his playing does. In 20 years of listening to some of the fastest shredders that the world has ever seen, I have still never heard anyone play with so much soul. Released on his 60th birthday, this is his first solo album since 1984s 'About Face', so it's about bloody time. It's not like he has been busy with Pink Floyd or anything. Every note is precise, every breath is captured. Warning - Fans of 'Another Brick In The Wall' shouldn't go jumping in here - there's no rock on offer. The whole album is very slow and moody, exactly what you would expect from a man that has been featured on BBCs 'Grumpy Old Men' documentary series twice.
 2006-05-02 Pearl Jam - Pearl Jam.jpg)
[A-39 | R-374]
Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam
Grunge Rock | Album | 2 May 2006
Ah Eddie. Right when I cried out to you asking why you had forsaken me, you return with your best output in years. This album craps logs all over 'Riot Act' and 'Binaural', with more life to it than both those albums put together. For the first time in years this sounds like the cohesive PJ albums we all remember, with each track flowing nicely into one of similar style to make the overall package as aesthetically appealing as Angelina Jolie in low cut top. Eddies vocals are top notch, and Mike's solos sound like he is actually enjoying playing again, which is lucky, because I am enjoying listening again.
TheBigBlack's Rock Honourable Mentions
 2006-04-18 John Zorn - Moonchild, Songs Without Words.jpg)
[A-416 | R-2625]
John Zorn
Moonchild, Songs Without Words
Jazz | Album | 18 April 2006
As I mentioned on TheBigBlackRamblings some months ago, this is a perfect collaboration of the two masters of noise-rock. Mike Patton's wails and screams are perfectly offset by John Zorn's metalic maniacal riffing. Not for the faint of heart (or for woman with a bun in the oven), this is pretty seriously fucked up music. Suits me perfectly really.
 2006-10-10 Melvins - (A) Senile Animal.jpg)
[A-398 | R-2394]
(A) Senile Animal
Grunge Rock | Album | 10 October 2006
Yes. The Melvins are still alive. As old a KISS, (and if the world ever becomes a more fair place, hopefully one day more popular) this is the Melvins doing what they do, just doing it on a different CD to the one you last heard them doing it on. Sludgy and nasty. Buzz - Don't ever change. No that you would, of course, you stubborn old mongrel.
 2006-12-12 Jimi Hendrix - Burning Desire (Official Bootleg).jpg)
[A-129 | R-895]
Jimi Hendrix
Burning Desire (Official Bootleg)
Classic Rock | Album | 12 December 2006
A new Jimi CD always deserves the 10 of course, but I thought I might get cut down as a nasty-no-good-rule-breaker, as this is essentially just another release of old music. The difference here is that this is another in the 'official bootleg' series that is finally presenting this stuff to us in it's original recorded format - with no overdubs, re-recordings or tweaks (FUCK OFF and DIE thank you Alan Douglas). There is a magic here I don't think we will ever hear again. Ever.
TheBigBlack's Rock Dishonourable Mentions
 2006-05-09 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium.jpg)
[A-150 | R-1020]
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stadium Arcadium
Alternative Rock | Album | 9 May 2006
Clever name. That's about the only nice thing I have to say about this. There was apparently 2 CDs of it. I slept through the first one, and awoken to find I had eaten my way through my own wrists to puncture major arteries and had popped 2 brain tumours through the pressure, so I'm not sure if I heard the second disk or not. The ambulance guys weren't sure either, although they did mention I shouldn't take such risks as subjecting myself to this poop in future, as life is too short to waste it. The sad thing is I won't get any choice, as we will guaranteed get 18 or 19 singles of the same sounding song released over the next 2 years. Take off your pantaloons, pop your sox back on your cox, and play something inspired on the next album thanks lads.
 2006-04-10 Live - Songs From Black Mountain.jpg)
[A-16 | R-4668]
Songs From Black Mountain
Alternative Rock | Album | 10 April 2006
Wasn't that first single 'The River' from this album great? Seriously - no sarcasm intended, it was fantastic. How about the second single? (NOTE: sarcasm has now started). What second single you ask? THERE WASN'T ONE! WHY? They weren't allowed to release any. Legal reasons apparently. Nothing else on the album could be played without anyone listening getting sick and vomiting. If they were in a car at the time listening to the radio, someone would drive past and get sick too, and then another car would drive past them, and. you get the idea. Thousands, maybe millions of people vomiting, and all because one person had to suffer a single song from this album. I could leave it there, but instead I'll mention this one last thing - just so you understand I only speak the truth - there is a song on this album called 'Love Shines (A Song For My Daughters About God)'. Thank you your Honor. The defence rests.
 - Image Not Available -.jpg)
[A-422 | R-2652]
Joe Satriani
Super Colossal
Rock | Album | 2006
Joe Satriani has run out of creativity. That's the only way to explain this. This is like a guitar version of a Kenny G composition. I'll waste no further time on this. I already wasted an hour of my life listening to the damn thing, and that was enough.
 2006-09-12 Everclear - Welcome To The Drama Club.jpg)
[A-10 | R-2181]
Welcome To The Drama Club
Alternative Rock | Album | 12 September 2006
What grade crack was Art smoking when he decided getting Everclear back together with a completely new 5-piece line up to release a set of crap radio friendly tripe was good idea? This is like taking all the worst Everclear songs from the last 3 sub-par albums and making a 'Best Of The Worst' compilation. The sooner the man understands his feelings and gets the operation to become a full woman, the better, me thinks. Maybe he can get a discount bulk booking at the hospital if he gets his mates Daniel Johns and Billy Corgan done at the same time.
mk's Rock Top 10
A disclaimer for the list below is that considering I spent 90% of my year on metal, there isn't much to report on the Rock side of things. There will be releases I have missed, but don't let this detract from my number 1 - definitely a good quality release.
 - Image Not Available -.jpg)
[A-214 | R-1461]
Metal | Album | 2006
By chance I took a punt on Allmusic's recommendation of their albums of the year in 'rock'. This one featured - along with some complete poo, and I'm glad I got to listen to it. The first track has an ISIS feel to it before it launches into a 70's inspired collage of guitar sounds, and this is the general tone throughout.
 2006-04-11 Eagles Of Death Metal - Death By Sexy.jpg)
[A-493 | R-2980]
Eagles Of Death Metal
Death By Sexy...
Rock | Album | 11 April 2006
So for Josh 'everything I touch turns to gold' Homme - this is just another bit of fun for him and his crew. When he does something for fun, he makes millions. When I do something for fun like build a sandcastle resembling Versailles in the sandpit in the back yard, I get zilch!! Where's the equality in this world!! It's rocking, it's groovy, it's a winner.
 2006-05-02 Tool - 10,000 Days.jpg)
[A-36 | R-3765]
10,000 Days
Alternative Rock | Album | 2 May 2006
The couple of songs have me all excited - they've ditched the 'ambient' crap (I can't think of any other way to describe it) and gone back to the roots - that bass sound chugging away and the soulful guitar solos. Then 'hello track 3' it's back again!!! But like a ride you might have been a centimetre too short to go on when you were a kid, but the operator let you go on anyway, I decided not to take my bat and ball and go home at this stage - I decided to soldier on, in the hope that despite being slightly short - I wasn't going to get hurt. Bugger track 4 - same stuff. Can I keep going. Tack 5 - the single Ahhh - that's better. And so you get the picture at this point, that it was indeed a battle to listen to, but through perseverance, it comes up a winner.
 2006-09-12 Black Label Society - Shot To Hell.jpg)
[A-594 | R-3490]
Black Label Society
Shot To Hell
Heavy Metal | Album | 12 September 2006
I'll be the first to admit, that previous efforts had me 'trying' to like this release for quite some time. So yes it's had a fair bit of airplay. But I'm addicted to that little guitar 'twang' that he adds into most of his songs. You know what you're going to get with each BLS release and I think that's also what I like about it.
 2006-05-30 Peeping Tom - Peeping Tom.jpg)
[A-29 | R-4913]
Peeping Tom
Peeping Tom
Alternative Rock | Album | 30 May 2006
Can Mike Patton do no wrong?? I'm not usually a fan of the guest vocalists coming into sing a chorus or something (on that point could Snoop Dog be classed as a 'professional guest vocalist' - has he ever released his own effort?) and I'm ashamed to say I only know Nora Jones s the guest vocalist on this release. In the end it doesn't matter - it's a great collection of weird sounds, groovy tunes and the ever changing vocals of Patton.
 2006-09-05 Audioslave - Revelations.jpg)
[A-624 | R-12226]
Alternative Rock | Album | 5 September 2006
To me Audioslave has been all about seeing who has the biggest dick out of Morello and Cornell. I'm a HUGE Cornell fan from his Soundgarden days while Morello makes his guitar virtually talk to you. In some places in the past it just hasn't gelled for me. Unlike their latest effort. And now we hear that RATM are getting back together (I think Zac is the 'new Joey' perhaps), Cornell wants to eat frogs legs with his French wife in Paris all the time now, so things will probably go downhill from here.
 2006-02-04 The Living End - State Of Emergency.jpg)
[A-245 | R-3058]
The Living End
State Of Emergency
Punk Rock | Album | 4 February 2006
Thank key-ryst someone is keeping the candle burning from my 90's Aussie alternative rock era. The Gurge - gone! Spiderbait - gone! Jebadiah - gone (pity Mr. Evans hasn't had his feet placed in cement yet thought)! For a fleeting moment - i.e. their last release - I thought these guys were joining the list. Well 'dag-nabbit' this is possibly their best release (big call I know), but it's THAT good!!
 2006-06-17 The Butterfly Effect - Imago.jpg)
[A-1155 | R-4863]
The Butterfly Effect
Alternative Rock | Album | 17 June 2006
Of every album I have listened to in the past year, this one have given me the most heartache. Firstly, it's important to point out this is the 'all-new' radio friendly Butterfly Effect. I'm not going to try and convince you they are the same as before and for that they have probably alienated themselves from a number of their fans. But the change in my final opinion was well worth it. Their song writing has matured 10-fold. The songs well-constructed with the crunchy guitar holding it all together. In short - they've grown up. It took a while to convince me that past the first couple of angst-filled tracks, there was indeed a present waiting to be opened and explored (no, not that kind of present Zan). Sure a lot of investment, compared to the remainder of my Rock list, but this just can't be ignored as a quality 'Aussie' release.
mk's Rock Honourable Mentions
 - Image Not Available -.jpg)
[A-331 | R-2024]
Black Holes And Revelations
Alternative Rock | Album | 2006
Didn't quite grab me this year, but another solid effort from them.
 2006-05-09 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium.jpg)
[A-150 | R-1020]
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stadium Arcadium
Alternative Rock | Album | 9 May 2006
OK - give me the first disc and it's in my Top10. The fact I didn't get to the second disc however probably gives me a good indication of exactly where it belongs in the list. I will get to it one day.
mk's Rock Dishonourable Mentions
Well where do I start - in some respects they are only dishonourable because they happened to pass my ears (thanks Zan - Dylan is still a boob). Those bands I'd particularly like to have a gripe at are:
 2006-09-30 Jet - Shine On.jpg)
[A-933 | R-4374]
Shine On
Rock | Album | 30 September 2006
Suck shit. Drop dead!
 - Image Not Available -.jpg)
[A-229 | R-1558]
Sonic Youth
"Rather Ripped"
Alternative Rock | Album | 2006
I think the lead singer has taken some gay pills for this release. My God - what happened to you guys?? I said goodbye in the early 90's and wish I still had those good time memories - all I have now is that dumb Incinerate single in my head.
TheBigBlack's Metal Top 10
 2006-03-27 Vreid - Pitch Black Brigade.jpg)
[A-805 | R-3998]
Pitch Black Brigade
Black Metal | Album | 27 March 2006
I must admit, I had never even heard of these guys until this year, even though this is their second album - but I shant forget them in a hurry. Hailing from Norway (as 90% of my listening now seems to.) This band has risen from the ashes of the legendary Windir following the death of Valfar. Their style is quite similar to Windir, but a little more 'thrash inspired'. Make no mistake though, this is still some blistering black metal that will strip paint from your tongue if you are stupid enough to paint it, but with the added bonus of some great riffs to break up the music and viperous vocals.
 2006-03-20 Venom - Metal Black.jpg)
[A-30 | R-933]
Metal Black
Black Metal | Album | 20 March 2006
Anything Venom has released since 1985 has been poo in a sack. It's that simple. Remove the name Venom, and maybe it stood a chance of survival amongst the hordes of generic metal released by a million labels in the 80s, but with the name left on it, it ruined one of the greatest legacies in metal history. Fast forward a couple of decades, and I wasn't expecting to be very surprised by this apparent 'return to form'. And then the unthinkable happened. I bet you can't guess? That's right. I was surprised. This is old school Venom as it is supposed to be. The music is angry and evil. Brilliant. It is also predictable, cliche and badly produced. Also brilliant! Hell - Even the name is a trashy cash-in. It's Venom - Why would they ever have though we wanted anything else from them?
 2006-09-22 Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side.jpg)
[A-396 | R-2369]
Amon Amarth
With Oden On Our Side
Death Metal (Melodic) | Album | 22 September 2006
There are 3 death metal bands that always provide a certain level of product satisfaction. Vader, Unleashed, and the mighty Amon Amarth. I will admit though, that this one took me a little longer to get into the previous couple. It is more a straight forward Swedish death metal album, with a lot less technical song-writing than the last time around. After a couple of listens, this didn't matter to anymore, and I plugged in my air guitar and cranked it. There are a few slower paced tracks this time around (but no ballads, you understand) varying the album nicely. Great death metal from a great band, and P.S. Valhall apparently awaits, so don't dilly-dally.
![Blood In Our Wells [???? ? ????? ????????]](../../images-covers/(COVER IMAGE) 2006-03-23 Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells.jpg)
[A-99 | R-598]
Blood In Our Wells [???? ? ????? ????????]
Black Metal | Album | 23 March 2006
Black metal from the Ukraine. Scared? I was. I though this might be funny, but it is actually a breath of fresh air in a scene that really needs some breeze right now. Don't get me wrong, there is still no mistaking the genre this falls into, but it is somewhat low-key. The band doesn't try to be the evilest or heaviest or fastest band around, they just let the darkness flow until it reaches perfection, then they whack it on a CD so we can all drink of its tasty goodness and Ukrainyness from a spooky looking chalice. Play it with the lights out.
 2006-03-01 Sahg - I.jpg)
[A-406 | R-2536]
Sahg I
Heavy Metal | Album | 1 March 2006
Made up of some of the highest pedigree of Norwegian black metal musicians, I was expecting the obvious, but this is something far different. Picture this - It's 1998 and the original Black Sabbath reunite (true) and after a series of shows (true) decide to record their first new album in 19 years (the untrue bit - lazy fuckers). The album is called 'Sahg 1'. This is classic Sabbath. The grooves. The bass. The vocals. Everything about this bleeds classic Sabbath. How could it not be in my Top 10 really? If nightclubs played metal and we all boogied the night away to Exodus instead of The Chemical Brothers, the dance floor would be filled when the grooves of this mofo hit the speakers. Warning - Driving to this music may cause passers-by to laugh at you when you can't resist using the cigarette lighter as a microphone.
 2006-04-17 Satyricon - Now, Diabolical.jpg)
[A-74 | R-294]
Now, Diabolical
Black Metal | Album | 17 April 2006
Ah Satyricon. Cornerstone of the modern Norwegian black metal movement. Home to the inhuman machines that are Satyr and Frost. Roll out that classic black metal at the sound of the beep, thanks. But wait! What is this? This is not traditional black metal - In fact, apart from the vocals, there isn't much blackyness here at all. THAT'S NO HOW YA MAKE PORIDGE! I think my first listen caused many a cuss and rant at its style change. The riffs are dirty thrash inspired masterstrokes, that get in your head and lock in there. This album is addictive to say the least, and I have been drawn back to it time and time again. The production is brilliant, the songs are top notch, and Satyricon have proven (unlike Cradle Of Filth) that a band can break free of the black metal genre if done the right way. Burn your pentagrams. Now.
 2006-05-29 Celtic Frost - Monotheist.jpg)
[A-97 | R-594]
Celtic Frost
Black Metal | Album | 29 May 2006
Me and the Frost go way back. The unholy trinity of 'Morbid Tales', 'Emperor's Return' and 'To Mega Therion'? Yep. The transitional 'Into The Pandemonium'? Ah ha. The glam inspired 'Cold Lake' and 'Vanity / Nemesis'. OK - Reluctantly I'll admit it. So, 16 years later when Celtic Frost claim they have reformed to reinvent their metal again, I became sceptical. Tom G. Warrior has always had a tendency to actually digress right at the point of a breakthrough. So - was I disappointed, or was this a reversion to the glory days of the early 80's (rather than the mostly forgotten late 80's) output? To be honest, to begin with I was bitterly disappointed, but this mofo is a grower. Forget about anything after 'To Mega Therion', but also don't expect to place this in the same musical bucket. The Frost has again been reinvented into something far darker than I have heard in a very long time. This feels like a coiled sleeping serpent that you know is going to strike, but are unsure of when. I can't even finds words to explain the darkness around this - but just when you feel you are doomed to hell forever, a female voice will break the darkness and lift you back to reality. It's not doom. It's not black. It's not really any style, but it is still distinctively Celtic Frost. Kudos to the greatest comeback album in recent metal history, if not ever.
 2006-04-18 Ihsahn - The Adversary.jpg)
[A-286 | R-1775]
The Adversary
Black Metal (Progressive) | Album | 18 April 2006
How could the mastermind behind Emperor not produce a masterpiece for a solo album? That is a rhetorical question - you don't have to answer it. Ishahn claimed this would be made of all his influences, and he doesn't lie. There is Emperor style blasting black metal. There is Mercyfate Fate style King Diamond screams. There are Iron Maiden twin guitars. There are anthemic choruses. The history of metal is here, and it actually works - while still producing a distinctively Ishahn product. P.S. - I will subtract some brilliantyness points for production - it could have been a little bit fuller there buddy, but I guess after playing all the instruments you were probably too tired to care by then..
 2006-10-09 My Dying Bride - A Line Of Deathless Kings.jpg)
[A-35 | R-3086]
My Dying Bride
A Line Of Deathless Kings
Doom Metal | Album | 9 October 2006
I didn't even have to hear this to know it was in the 10, I only needed to know if it Excellent, Brilliant or Spectacular in order to put it on the right spot in the ladder. I should have just expected it would be all 3 of those things - as always. MDB has never disappointed me yet (although I must admit - I have never played '34.788%. Complete' as I don't want that to change.). They are the ultimate gothic doom metal band. Slow, dark, and full of sadness and emptiness. How could they not be with track names like 'To Remain Tombless' and 'The Blood, The Wine, The Roses'. No one comes close (or if they ever do they suddenly go all nice and start calling themselves 'dark wave rock' or some other shite name, thank you Anathema and Katatonia - bitches). No one ever will come close I think. Best I tell you now I want this played at my funeral. I'll apologise to Donna in advance.
 2006-08-08 Slayer - Christ Illusion.jpg)
[A-101 | R-632]
Christ Illusion
Thrash Metal | Album | 8 August 2006
I'm not sure what I am supposed to write here. It's Slayer. It's number 1. It's very simple. If you think that's not a good enough reason, build a bridge and get over that river, biatch. See you at the concert.
TheBigBlack's Metal Honourable Mentions
 2006-08-28 Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death.jpg)
[A-401 | R-2461]
Iron Maiden
A Matter Of Life And Death
Heavy Metal | Album | 28 August 2006
This unfortunately wasn't worthy of my 10. In fact, it wasn't even close, but it is worth a mention. Why? It is Iron Maiden. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. I would have wasted my money on Duran Duran and Human League albums for the rest of the 80's. I may even have been lucky enough to be a Matchbox 20 fan in the 90's. This is why we rejoice for Iron Maiden - they saved me. The new album then? No wheels have been reinvented. No new ground has been broken. Sliced bread is still a better invention, but you gotta love them for plodding on. Apart from Metallica, I can't think of any other band I would miss as much if they suddenly called it quits.
 2006-05-09 Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers - Welcome To Carcass Cuntry.jpg)
[A-408 | R-2831]
Jeff Walker Und Die Fluffers
Welcome To Carcass Cuntry
Death Metal (Grindcore) | Album | 9 May 2006
When I think about it, this album is utter shit really. And therein lies it's charm. In case you aren't in on the joke (I HOPE IT'S A JOKE), the magnificent Jeff Walker of Carcass took it upon his tortured soul to impart upon us his own versions of his favourite country and folk tracks. They are all here - Johnny Cash, John Denver. Kris Kristopherson. Even Neil Young gets a look in. ''Country songs done Carcass style?'', I hear you say. Nope - Country songs done country style actually, but with Walker's evil growl on vocals. It's so horrendous, it makes you listen to more. Try to look away from a car wreck - I bet you can't. This is the same. The saddest part was that I found myself singing along. Long live Carcass - even if it is to the tune of 'Theme From Rawhide' I guess.
 2006-05-02 Rebel Meets Rebel - Rebel Meets Rebel.jpg)
[A-565 | R-3304]
Rebel Meets Rebel
Rebel Meets Rebel
Metal | Album | 2 May 2006
This is it people. The last recorded output of the departed Dimebag Darrell. This is project with his brother Vinnie Paul (Big Vin - the now king of the pratts - time to shut your mouth Vin or you will be right up there with Fred Durst before you know it..), Rex Brown on bass and outlaw country vocalist and songwriter David Allen Coe on vox. Throw this all in a big mix-master on high speed and you get a country album played in the style of Pantera with a vocal that will make the lowest low-down slap his knee at the nearest hoe-down. Country metal - This could be bigger than folk metal, although I fucking hope not. R.I.P. Big Double D.
 2006-05-01 Stone Sour - Come What(ever) May.jpg)
[A-837 | R-12245]
Stone Sour
Come What(ever) May
Metal | Album | 1 May 2006
I didn't really think much of the Stone Sour debut. It sounded a little too 'nu-metal' for my liking, but this album is a surprise. This is pretty much straight up modern metal with the occasional catchy ballad. There wasn't quite enough here to place it in the 10, but this is certainly worth a good listen.
 2006-09-15 Napalm Death - Smear Campaign.jpg)
[A-70 | R-243]
Napalm Death
Smear Campaign
Death Metal (Grindcore) | Album | 15 September 2006
The best ND album since Diatribes. This is punishingly brutal grindcore from the masters of the style. Viva La Napalm Death. I'll Whoo-hoo it, even if Barney Greenway does need a hairpiece these days.
 2006-11-03 I - Between Two Worlds.jpg)
[A-456 | R-2830]
Between Two Worlds
Black Metal | Album | 3 November 2006
Imagine Orgasmatron era Motorhead cranking it to 10 and playing a bit faster, angrier, and outright eviler, and you will get I. Coming from Abbath, a guy that plays in a Motorhead cover band as a side project, I'm not surprised. And with most of the last line up of Immortal thrown in also, how could it not be good? It tastes like chicken (they all do), but with 11 secret herbs and spices.
TheBigBlack's Metal Dishonourable Mentions
 2006-10-10 Trivium - The Crusade.jpg)
[A-364 | R-2233]
The Crusade
Metal | Album | 10 October 2006
I honestly don't know what the fuss is about. Get a couple of tattoos, pierce your lips, and recycle riffs from early Metallica, and the world thinks you are the future of metal. These guys are the saviours of nothing. They couldn't even save their pennies to pay for the Laundromat based on their appearance. I can appreciate that they can play their instruments well - that can't be denied, but they can't write decent music or lyrics. Metal is supposed to be angry and evil, and these ponces are telling us not to share needles and be nice to gay people. What the fuck? Did you get Michael Jackson to lend you an early draft of 'Heal The World' or something? I think the thing that pisses me off the most is they are trend jumpers - their last album was totally emo, and as the trend dies, they jump ship to save themselves. Cliche . Crap. I'll think I'll even give them a YAWN for originality. (PS - The author would like it noted that he in no way condones the actions of Michael Jackson, but does find it funny that he seems to look so much like Bubbles The Monkey these days.)
 2006-08-01 Body Count - Murder 4 Hire.jpg)
[A-736 | R-5112]
Body Count
Murder 4 Hire
Thrash Metal (Crossover) | Album | 1 August 2006
Body Count created a metal/rap crossover classic with their self-titled debut in 1992, and it seemed that they had potential be something really special. Unfortunately every release by them since was way way way (and one more 'way') below that original benchmark. 97's Violent Demise: Last Days was average, and when the band called it quits after its release, I thought it best. Fast-forward to 2006 and Body Count reunite (minus a couple of key members due to the mandatory drive-by shootings), and they release 'Murder 4 Hire', the weakest album of their career, if not the weakest album of the year by anyone anywhere, including that ponce that won Australian Idol. Ice-T - If I see you on da streets, I'm gonna pop a cap in yo ass.
 2006-04-21 O.S.I. - Free.jpg)
[A-897 | R-4265]
O.S.I. (Office Of Strategic Influence)
Progressive Metal | Album | 21 April 2006
I can't believe how dull this is. The first O.S.I. album was a masterpiece, and with muso's ranging from members of Dream Theater, Fates Warning and Porcupine Tree involved, I never expected less. This is a like a different band. It's like a bad mid-80's KISS album or something. Gone is the progressive rock undertones and unusual timings. Gone are the catchy vocals and hooky riffs. They have all been replaced by the blandest collection of songs this year. I'm expecting a cover of Guy Sebastian's 'Elevator Love' on the next album.
mk's Metal Top 10
 2006-03-27 Vreid - Pitch Black Brigade.jpg)
[A-805 | R-3998]
Pitch Black Brigade
Black Metal | Album | 27 March 2006
When I heard that most of these guys used to be members of a Viking/Folk Metal outfit in a 'previous life' (Windir - don't I type that into my run command on my pc to get some directory??) I was a little sceptical. As you will know Vikings only exist in movies (like Eskimos) and Folk is all about fairies - again make believe. So the fact that these guys believed they were in a make-believe band had my head spinning (how about yours?). Well thank god they came into the real world. This, their second release, is catchy as hell. I can't pin-point any particular reason - they sound a little like the new rage going on in black metal at the moment - cut the distortion and slow it down a little - but regardless I like it!!
 2006-10-06 Unleashed - Midvinterblot.jpg)
[A-345 | R-2128]
Death Metal | Album | 6 October 2006
As Zan rightly pointed out (damn I'm making him sound good at the moment) - you know what you're going to get from these guys. In some cases, that is a good enough reason to switch off the lights and find something new (note Vader, Eddie Jam, etc.). Sometimes though it just gels and stands out from the 'ho-hum'. Cannibal Corpse have done it in the past and Napalm Death with Smear Campaign did it well (very) this year. This one gets the big tick - nothing ground breaking but a very solid effort.
 2006-08-22 Terrorizer - Darker Days Ahead.jpg)
[A-1293 | R-5223]
Darker Days Ahead
Death Metal (Grindcore) | Album | 22 August 2006
Look out everyone - The storm is coming, the clouds are forming. I was too scared not to leave this out. You've all been warned!!
 2006-05-01 Stone Sour - Come What(ever) May.jpg)
[A-837 | R-12245]
Stone Sour
Come What(ever) May
Metal | Album | 1 May 2006
As much as I loved Slipknot's previous release and the fact I didn't want it clouding my true judgment of this release by their side project - well for Corey and Jim, for me it's almost unavoidable with Corey vox style being particularly noticeable. Saying Stone Sour is a 'softer' man's Slipknot is probably not a fair representation of the quality of the song writing on this release. And the last person who called me soft ended up giving his mum the poor excuse that it was the fairy floss that rotted all his teeth away..Anyway, there's plenty of catchy tunes here and even though the ballad Sillyworld does it's best to ruin the atmosphere, it can't deny the quality of the rest. Interestingly Jim was quoted as recently saying playing in Stone Sour was much more fun than playing in Slipknot. I find that a little hard to believe - surely wearing stoopid masks surely equals a constant laugh-a-thon??
 2006-04-17 Satyricon - Now, Diabolical.jpg)
[A-74 | R-294]
Now, Diabolical
Black Metal | Album | 17 April 2006
Much like MDB, Satyricon is another band that hasn't really grabbed my interest in the past. Although I can't deny their importance to the Norwegian black metal scene, their previous release Volcano wasn't a biggie on my list. In fact I've forgotten it altogether. It took Zan to remind me that Now Diabolical is a departure from the typical formula for these guys. In the same way I loved Cadaver's Necrosis release of 2004, I find the rawness of the Satyr's guitar hypnotic, along with his vocal effort. Not much else to say - simple, heavy, I love it!!
 2006-03-20 Venom - Metal Black.jpg)
[A-30 | R-933]
Metal Black
Black Metal | Album | 20 March 2006
These guys definitely topped Slayer for 'Thrash release of the year'. Why are they not above Slayer then might you ask?? Well I'm scared of Kerry King, so if he sees this, I don't want him coming after me...No seriously this is a great release that can't be ignored. I won't go into comparisons as this release stands out on its own as a *cliche warning* 'in your face, balls out effort from the Venom boys'. Cronos, Mykus and Antton have made the 6 year wait well worth it. Pity they couldn't come up with more angry 'handles'.
 2006-10-10 Trivium - The Crusade.jpg)
[A-364 | R-2233]
The Crusade
Metal | Album | 10 October 2006
The rumours were circling. Hetfield's illegitimate child had emerged and fronted Trivium. Ascendency, the previous release came and went for me - I was none too interested although it makes damn good compost for my garden at home. Suffice to say, this reference to Hetfield in reviews had me interested, otherwise the compost was looking forward to a new influx. Thankfully it was saved and proudly sits in my Top10. Zan and I have discussed at length its legitimate right to Top10. Plain and simple it's catchy. Gone are the 'core references in my opinion - there's plenty of thrash elements, including solo's every now and then (note Mr. Hammett).
 2006-08-08 Slayer - Christ Illusion.jpg)
[A-101 | R-632]
Christ Illusion
Thrash Metal | Album | 8 August 2006
'Whacky' Lombardo is back!! Is it any coincidence then that Slayer have risen from the depths of mediocrity to deliver a crushing release? Thank fucking Christ is all I can say - I like many others I'm sure were shitted to tears by Kerry 'effing' King's self-promotion of his and the bands new albums greatness. Well the boys delivered. Tommy's voice no longer sounds tired to me - it's as if he is again believing in what he is singing. I can't help myself - I have to make reference to 'Reign' (I know that's 10 Our Fathers as penance for me) - although no comparison can truly be made (but I'll give it a crack), the promo for Christ Illusion hit me like a train pulling carriages of brutality along behind it and reminded me of my first listens to Reign. The one downside is we'll be hearing from King into the future - a double edged sword that comes from a killer album. We go see these guys in April fulfilling yet another void in my 'must see before I die bands'. Now if only Mustaine would pull his finger out and come to Adelaide damn fucker.. sorry, I digress...
 2006-10-09 My Dying Bride - A Line Of Deathless Kings.jpg)
[A-35 | R-3086]
My Dying Bride
A Line Of Deathless Kings
Doom Metal | Album | 9 October 2006
In what has to be my greatest back-pedal I eternally bow to the greatness of this release. You can't help but be sucked in by the crunchy guitar riff throughout the entire record. There are lashings of Opeth style song structures (L'Amour Detruit) and Candlemass high-pitched riffing (And I Walk With Them) that. well for anyone that knows me, is a winning formula. That's not to say that this release doesn't stand all on its own. In fact it's brilliant!! Now onto Stainthorpe's vox - something that has distracted me in the past - not so this time. He mixes the sorrowful wailing, deathly whispering and agonising growls to perfection. Track of the year is undoubtedly the opening track - To Remain Tombless. While metaphors such as this from Loves Intolerable Pain (what if loves intolerable pain never leaves us? Do we dash our bleeding hearts on the rocks of loneliness or do we cry unto the lords above who turn away in haste) pound the heart with sorrow and despair. And just when you're ready to tear your eyeballs out and curse this world, MDB pump life back into your body with a punishing finish to the album - possibly the best ending to an album I have seen. Refer to the last 35 seconds of The Blood, The Wine, The Roses. Brilliant!! I could go on for ages talking about this album, but I need to go kill the tool referred to above before this gets any further out of hand.
mk's Metal Honourable Mentions
 2006-05-02 Rebel Meets Rebel - Rebel Meets Rebel.jpg)
[A-565 | R-3304]
Rebel Meets Rebel
Rebel Meets Rebel
Metal | Album | 2 May 2006
For Dime only - never a serious Top 10 contender. That outlaw did has tickets on himself and I won't offend any Vin lovers out there (the great skin-man he may be).
 2004-02-10 Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion.jpg)
[A-98 | R-597]
Into Eternity
The Scattering Of Ashes
Death Metal | Album | 3 October 2006
When I heard the singer was on the way out I was scared for these guys - such a find in 2004 for me. Further into my investigations I found that just about everyone but the roadie contributes vox in this band, so no big loss. The replacement - the touring singer - does a great job. My only complaint is the 'tinny' double-bass' at the front of the mix (a bigger mistake than Lars made IMO). Just distracts the listener in some very important places.
 2006-09-15 Napalm Death - Smear Campaign.jpg)
[A-70 | R-243]
Napalm Death
Smear Campaign
Death Metal (Grindcore) | Album | 15 September 2006
It was getting to the point where I had lost interest. This could be a grower over time. A great return to form.
mk's Metal Dishonourable Mentions
 2006-08-01 Body Count - Murder 4 Hire.jpg)
[A-736 | R-5112]
Body Count
Murder 4 Hire
Thrash Metal (Crossover) | Album | 1 August 2006
I'm almost at the point where I have nothing constructive to stay here (my head won't stop shaking). I'm afraid with the majority of the band being shot down in drive by's over the years hasn't stopped Ice-T from dragging out this horse (dead and well on the way to making it's way through the bowel of a vulture) again. It's a shame that one of the most influential rap artists of his time won't go back and do what he's good at. The original BC was a fluke - it was a 'point-in-time' album (Rodney King et al..) - nothing else. I remember guys who used to debate who was the better of the two back in the 80's - Ice-T or Ice Cube?? In all seriousness, the T man is running third in the race - behind the Vanilla one (Baby!)
 2006-07-25 Voivod - Katorz.jpg)
[A-716 | R-3786]
Thrash Metal | Album | 25 July 2006
Respect to the Snake man, but really these guys hyped up a piece of shit. Enough said..well no, not exactly..I could roll out turds splashing into the water that made a better sound than this album. Jasonic has fallen from grace big time (particularly adding to his Rock Star Supernova debacle). But I took a deep breath and breathed a sigh of relief that it would likely be their last only to be disappointed the other week when I hear they are planning to put another album together once Jasonic is 'cured' - sorry guys, but I hate to tell you, he'll never be cured - he'll always remain a self-centred fucker!!
 - Image Not Available -.jpg)
[A-904 | R-4294]
Cristo Satanico
Death Metal | Album | 2006
Grow up fat boy (Cazares). OK, we're not all 10 year olds Dino so you don't need to proclaim yourself to have the heaviest band in the planet and then release that shit. How un-original!