Top 10 Administration

Top 10 for 2007


TheBigBlack's Rock Top 10


I'm Not There (Original Soundtrack)
[A-123 | R-4990]

Various Artists
I'm Not There (Original Soundtrack)

Classic Rock | Album | 30 October 2007


A double CD soundtrack to a Bob Dylan biography, that is made up of Dylan covers, including one by Eddie Vedder, and a lost Dylan track by the man himself from his '67 basement sessions at The Big Pink. If this statement gets you as sexed-up as it does me, I don't need to say anymore. If it doesn't, you deserve nothing further written about this album anyway.


Raising Sand
[A-502 | R-3024]

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Raising Sand

Rock | Album | 23 October 2007


We all have a soft spot for Robert Plant. Hey was the bare-chested dude that sung 'There's a lady whose sure, all that glitters is gold.' after all, so how could we not? His solo albums since the Zepp years have always been a bit of a gamble, as the quality has varied somewhat, but this one is a winner. Now, before you run out with your wallet in hand, I do have to mention 2 other factors that come into play - 1. It's a duet album with American bluegrass artist Alison Krauss, and 2. It is essentially a country 'tinged' album. you have been warned.


New Maps Of Hell
[A-281 | R-1742]

Bad Religion
New Maps Of Hell

Punk Rock | Album | 10 July 2007


Bad Religion are the elder statesmen of the punk rock genre. They were around before some of their recent genre-buddies were born, and will probably be there long after they are gone. Why? They are better than them - It's that simple. Every time they release an album, it is like a handbook on how to play modern punk for all those young bucks that think they have worked it out for themselves.


Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
[A-13 | R-5768]

Foo Fighters
Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

Alternative Rock | Album | 25 September 2007


I am finding I am tiring a little of the Fooeys of late. I think Dave's songwriting is better on this album than the last couple, and a few of the tracks caught me. but I fear I am finding it a bit too predictable at times. Don't get me wrong - it is still a great rock album, with all the typical Grohl licks and vox, but that may be the problem for me really. 'Dear Diary. I fear this may be the last time I will write about the Foo Fighters.'


[A-128 | R-855]


Alternative Rock | Album | 5 March 2007


Let me start with this statement - Nick Cave bores me, always has. I will drop my guard to say that I don't mind some of the very early Birthday Party and Boys Next Door stuff, but only due to that delightful post-punk smell that seemed to hang on all his product. Then he packed up his guitar, and started writing ballads, and apparently the world was a better place for it. Well, he found his strat again, and he has decided to strum it a bit - and created a wonderfully dirty and raw album of guitar rock that will cause you mother to cringe. Let's hope the new album with The Bad Seeds follows suit.


Vena Sera
[A-171 | R-12230]

Vena Sera

Alternative Rock | Album | 3 April 2007


I have always avoided Chevelle because I thought they were one of those bad nu-metal clones. Turns out they are not. The are a Tool clone instead - and with the lack of any quality Tool / Maynard product in recent years, this is my new drug of choice.


Are You Lookin' At Me?
[A-450 | R-2805]

Colin Hay
Are You Lookin' At Me?

Rock | Album | 24 April 2007


Ah, Colin Hay. What a legend. Don't say Who? He's the dude from Men At Work. Colin has been churning out quality solo (mostly acoustic) works for years now, mostly hard to come by being released on small labels - but I finally found one the year it was actually released, not 5 years later (as it normally happens). This is warm and rich, and his voice is more magic now than ever before. This guy should be in the rock 'n' Roll Hall Of Fame.


Into The Wild (Music For The Motion Picture)
[A-268 | R-2634]

Eddie Vedder
Into The Wild (Music For The Motion Picture)

Grunge Rock | Album | 18 September 2007


It seems Mr Vedder has taken the advice of his mum and started his own business. This is his first solo album away from the magnificent Pearl Jam, and it's quite a good little listen. It's a soundtrack to the Sean Penn directed 'Into The Wild'. Mostly acoustic (and only about 35 minutes long), it is a very easy listen, and nothing like his Pearl Jam writings. 'Hard Sun' is one of my songs of the year. Oh Eddie - Again I will ask, when will thee marry me?


[A-40 | R-488]

Smashing Pumpkins

Alternative Rock | Album | 10 July 2007


Billy - I tip my hat. I thought you would be in this year's Dishonourable Mentions, but you have done the Pumpkins name proud. This pumps through some heavy stuff with a very typical Pumpkins sounds, and throws in the obligatory Corgan 'nice' songs to touch the heart strings (and send you to the skip button.). It's all very sing-along worthy and addictive.


Fear Of A Blank Planet
[A-157 | R-1223]

Porcupine Tree
Fear Of A Blank Planet

Progressive Rock | Album | 16 April 2007


Porcupine Tree at number 1? Surely not. Yeah - It's predictable I know, but just listen to them and you will see why. Gone is the radio-friendly stylising of 'The Sound Of Muzak' and 'Lazarus' - this is very much a return to the Tree's more progressive mid-period work. The theme of the album is the apathy of youth to the world around them due to technology, and lyrically it is all very dark throughout, with music to match.

TheBigBlack's Rock Honourable Mentions

Dylan [Deluxe Edition]
[A-123 | R-1189]

Bob Dylan
Dylan [Deluxe Edition]

Classic Rock | Compilation Album | 1 October 2007


I would have included this because it is Dylan. Unfortunately, I can't include it as it is a compilation. Again, who wrote these damn rules?

[A-1034 | R-4601]

Bryan Ferry

Classic Rock | Album | 5 March 2007


An album of Dylan covers recorded by Bryan Ferry anyone? I did like this, although the only real thing lacking was that the songs were actually all Ferryesque - none of them had the Dylan flair.

Masters Of War
[A-1441 | R-5477]

Masters Of War

Classic Rock | Album | 24 July 2007


Another album of Dylan covers? And this one with an Ozzy Osbourne duet? I think it gets mentioned!

MTV Unplugged
[A-607 | R-3568]

MTV Unplugged

Nu Metal | Album | 5 March 2007


I don't usually care too much for Korn, but this is actually quite good. It has a couple of great moments like the duet with Amy Lee and the one with Robert Smith of The Cure.

Performance Series Vol. 03 Live At Massey Hall 1971
[A-37 | R-2339]

Neil Young
Performance Series Vol. 03 Live At Massey Hall 1971

Folk Rock | Album | 13 March 2007


Attention Neil Young fans - prepare for a religious experience. This is AMAZING. It would be in the 10, except it is live, and it was recorded 35 years ago, so it's kinda disqualified.

Snakes & Arrows
[A-567 | R-3307]

Snakes & Arrows

Progressive Rock | Album | 1 May 2007


All these years later Rush are still churning out a consistent product. Good on them.

TheBigBlack's Rock Dishonourable Mentions

Time On Earth
[A-200 | R-1420]

Crowded House
Time On Earth

Rock | Album | 26 June 2007


Yawn. It must be trendy to destroy your own legacy at the moment? Read on for more examples, but possibly none as bad as this snorefest.

Minutes To Midnight
[A-935 | R-4381]

Linkin Park
Minutes To Midnight

Nu Metal | Album | 15 May 2007


This actually starts strong with one of the fastest/heaviest tracks the band has ever recorded, and then dives into U2 influenced ballads. I never thought they were that good before, but I expected better than this.

Eat Me, Drink Me
[A-241 | R-4837]

Marilyn Manson
Eat Me, Drink Me

Alternative Rock | Album | 5 June 2007


Should be titled 'Buy Me, Bite Me'. Eating shit from a dirty nappy is more appealing than sitting though this one again. Manson turns emo.

Blood Brothers
[A-886 | R-4221]

Rose Tattoo
Blood Brothers

Hard Rock | Album | 16 February 2007


This is not Rose Tattoo. It's a bunch of old men that got together with a young guitarist and tried to use the name of a great institution to carry a very mediocre album.

Young Modern
[A-20 | R-12221]

Young Modern

Alternative Rock | Album | 31 March 2007


What the fuck? Is that a young Freddie Mercury in a tank-top up front? Where is Daniel Johns? Bring him back.

The Weirdness
[A-975 | R-4496]

The Stooges
The Weirdness

Punk | Album | 6 March 2007


This is a legacy gone bad. If it wasn't bad enough that we had to suffer the woeful Buzzcocks reunion album recently (with its polished and overdubbed production sounding like a Blink-182 album), now we get the legendary The Stooges doing the exact same thing. Gone are the pre-punk grooves of the legendary early albums. The trademark guitar tone is now polished, and the lyrics could be better written by a high school student. This is possibly the biggest disappointment of the year for me.

Era Vulgaris
[A-464 | R-2871]

Queens Of The Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

Alternative Rock | Album | 12 June 2007


Hmmm. It would seem the Josh Homme creative well has finally run dry. Yawn.

mk's Rock Top 10

Now here's where confusion reigns. Guitarizan changes the rules (can he do that?) and now we're judging a Non-Metal Top10, rather than a Rock Top10. I'm sure it's just a cunning ploy to get 'Ballads from the loins of Dylan' into the list next year. Suffice to say, this change in category has changed my preference for Number 1. Sounds fickle? Well it isn't. Read on below and I'll explain.


[A-40 | R-488]

Smashing Pumpkins

Alternative Rock | Album | 10 July 2007


A big middle finger in your general direction Corgan!!! This album is nothing but a cruel joke and further detracts from the legacy that was the Pumpkins. I was initially cautious about this release - we all know the story by now - and on commencing my listen, Doomsday Clock put me well and truly in my place - brilliant!! Could have easily been a left over track from Melon Collie. At last - Corgan has passed the ego stone through his body (I think I even heard the splash in the toilet bowl!!)...or so I thought. Things just downward spiral from this point - in fact track 3 is where it starts, with track 4 returning us to Adore. Fuck!! And 8 tracks later, we leave the train station for 'Utter Shit-town' (Pomp and Circumstance). This is bullshit Corgan!! You might ask why then is it in your Top10? The first 2 tracks alone - that's it. That's the only reason..well that and it was either this album or Rose Tattoo's release. Maybe I've just got it in for bald lead singers? Actually Angry is less of a lead singer these days - more a prop if anything. Poke him and he screams.


Fear Of A Blank Planet
[A-157 | R-1223]

Porcupine Tree
Fear Of A Blank Planet

Progressive Rock | Album | 16 April 2007


Damn you Guitarizan (again)!! If I had never heard of this band, I'd be much better off. In short - there are some killer guitar licks scattered through this release. Some of them are contained within brilliantly catchy tracks, such as the opener (Fear of a Black Planet) and some are hidden away in the middle of some pretty soppy crap. There is not much more I can say but that. Anaesthetise (17min track and close to half the album length) to me is a three part track, two parts slow and a little dull with one part in the middle with again some pretty amazing guitar and drum work. It's bit like this that keep bringing me back for a listen, thus it makes my Top10 for this year. This guy has hair too, so he's already a winner over Corgan in my book.


Angels & Devils
[A-297 | R-2638]

Angels & Devils

Post-Grunge Rock | Album | 2007


A new singer for this release - Torbyn Green, and he sounds exactly like Scallions. An interesting side not is that Green toured as vocalist for Apocalyptica this year on their Worlds Collide tour. Anyway, Gone, the first track is a great introduction to the album. Nothing new from them really - yes it's 'stock', but it's good stock. Not that bad stock that your Grandma use to pass of a some sort of healthy soup when you were a kid.


From Beale Street To Oblivion
[A-1202 | R-4989]

From Beale Street To Oblivion

Stoner Rock | Album | 2007


Get your groovy pants on - this is one hell of a soulful release. Preach to the father of groove and any other stupid cliche you can possibly think of. This Black Sabbathesqe buzzing guitars, Synth pumping blood into the soul machine every now and then and vox that'll have you running down the aile of the church to groove it up with the minister and you have From Beale Street to Oblivion. What the hell does all that mean? I have absolutely no idea - I tossed and turned at night about how to describe this release and that's the shit I came up with - sorry!


Psalms Of Extinction
[A-881 | R-4211]

Psalms Of Extinction

Metal (Industrial) | Album | 2007


These guys are all over the place. Initially my number one for most of the year, this Swedish Prog metal 'mash-up' is to be less about metal in this release. From Mike Patton-esque vocals to groovy whispered interludes, to Primus infused base lines. It's everywhere! I didn't realise these guys have been around since the 80's, which is surprising considering the foresight of the band on this album. Grew a little tired towards the end of the year, but worthy of recognition by the most astute of judges - me!


[A-149 | R-1003]

Puddle Of Mudd

Post-Grunge Rock | Album | 2007


OK - Let's get one thing straight first..Fred Durst is in no way longer associated with this band. OK!!! Now, before you start diving into that Puddle of Mudd and slinging in my general direction - listen up!! This is catchy rock and roll music. No 'muddying' of the waters here - the tried and true formula of writing a rock song has been used to perfection. All elements of the colouring have been kept within the lines - something I couldn't achieve until that one day a few years back when I finally coloured in that Garfield cartoon without straying over the lines. But I digress. This is a good performance.


Black Rain
[A-298 | R-2088]

Ozzy Osbourne
Black Rain

Heavy Metal | Album | 22 May 2007


GET OVER IT ZAN! He's the Godfather of metal, true. But he also has this Uncle association with the genre of Rock 'n Roll. Blame Zac, I don't care. What does matter is that this is a return to form. No more covers shite!! Now as you know I'm a big Zac fan, so upon hearing the opening riffs in the first track, I was hooked. Sure he sings about some pretty gay subjects for a Godfather, but dammit it's catchy.


Open Fire
[A-629 | R-3651]

Alabama Thunderpussy
Open Fire

Metal | Album | 6 March 2007


Now this is where it gets interesting. If we were still writing up our Rock Top10 Zan, this was number 1 without a doubt. These guys swallow the fucking text book. Razor vocals (remember Angry when you used think you could sing like this?), killer guitar riffs and an attitude that kicks you right in middle stump awaits you if you dare to listen.


Vena Sera
[A-171 | R-12230]

Vena Sera

Alternative Rock | Album | 3 April 2007


Suffice to say, this was my initial number 2. More of a modern rock sound and very polished, but obviously one of the finest releases to tickle my inner ears for 2007. Not much more to say really, except to add that it was a damn cool idea to name your band after a Chev!

mk's Rock Honourable Mentions

Elect The Dead
[A-787 | R-3957]

Serj Tankian
Elect The Dead

Nu Metal | Album | 27 October 2007


Damn he has a great voice and this is a quality release, the only issue I have is the quantity. Repeating the same line or same set of lines song-after-song does drag after a while. When he reported earlier in the year that he had a catalogue of about 30 or 40 songs ready to go, I'd now believe him - it'd be about 80 lines of lyrics in total.

Rock The Rebel, Meet The Devil
[A-283 | R-1751]

Rock The Rebel, Meet The Devil

Metal | Album | 26 February 2007


Dare I say I'm tired of the Rink-a-dink-a-woobie-boobie already? I didn't think as good as their debut release, but that was my number 1. This is still good and I'm sure we'll be hearing made up vocals on plenty of future releases from these guys.

mk's Rock Dishonourable Mentions

Ultra Payloaded
[A-4844 | R-5462]

Perry Farell's Satellite Party
Ultra Payloaded

Alternative Rock | Album | 2007


It's so satellite, there's no-one at your party Perry. Turn it into a wake instead.

Carry On
[A-173 | R-12402]

Chris Cornell
Carry On

Grunge Rock | Album | 28 May 2007


WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?! When moving to France you must have left your 'clue' behind because you clearly haven't got one now. Please bring the real one back.

One Man Revolution
[A-1260 | R-5141]

The Nightwatchman
One Man Revolution

Alternative Rock | Album | 2007


Stick to playing the guitar dick!! Gee put your hand up now if your glad Audioslave broke up? At least the two of them were preoccupied before and didn't have the time to release shit like this. What a shame.

[A-315 | R-1923]


Alternative Rock | Album | 19 June 2007


Unfortunately everyone knows who you are Mike. Gee and the list of previous greats now ordinary solo artists continues like a funeral procession.

Young Modern
[A-20 | R-12221]

Young Modern

Alternative Rock | Album | 31 March 2007


Really another solo artist because surely Ben and Chris wouldn't sign up for this shit unless they enjoyed licking candy off the end of Daniel's knob.

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TheBigBlack's Metal Top 10


The Blackening
[A-936 | R-4389]

Machine Head
The Blackening

Groove Metal | Album | 26 March 2007

Machine Head were once the saviours of metal. When grunge ruled the world, and headbanging become uncool, they single-handedly raised metal like a pheonix from the ashes - to then go and destroy their own reputation by heading down the rap insipired directions of some of their lesser talented followers. Flynn discovered the errors of his ways in recent years, and tried to fix the holes in his dripping bucket - but it all sounded a bit contrived. Until now. This is angry, fist pumping modern thrash that we always knew Machine Head were capable of, but always failed to do. Keep up the good work.


Down III, Over The Under
[A-1270 | R-12218]

Down III, Over The Under

Metal (Sludge) | Album | 24 September 2007

I love Down, but unlike every other fan on the planet, I think I actually preferred Down II, so was keen to get my hot littles onto this one. I wasn't disappointed, as it is still a great album, but I thought it lacked a bit of the catchiness in the riffs of the first two albums. That aside though, it is still a great album, and the first to contain the magnificent pipes of Phil Anselmo since the death of Dimebag.


[A-309 | R-1903]


Death Metal (Progressive) | Album | 3 September 2007

After a long wait, Alchemist is finally back. I am a bit of a fan-boi, and after the poor effort that was Austral Alien, I was concerned it wouldn't be worth the effort. No concern needed - this is classic Alchemist. The dynamics and harmonic interludes are here, mixed with the usual death metal breakouts - and Adam's vocals are still perfect for the style. Support Aussie metal now. Get this album now, and see how Pink Floyd would have sounded with distortion.


Rock The Rebel, Meet The Devil
[A-283 | R-1751]

Rock The Rebel, Meet The Devil

Metal | Album | 26 February 2007

Volbeat is of course MK's discovery of 2005, and the debut album was certainly a grower with it's heavily distorted guitar tone and Elvis style vocals. At first I thought this album wasn't as strong, but once it was under my skin it's diversity caught me, and I possibly now like it better. The heavy moments are still here ('Mr. & Mrs. Ness' is one of my songs of the year), but there is a lighter moment or two (such as the Johnny Cash inspired 'Sad Man's Tongue').


Systematic Chaos
[A-325 | R-1993]

Dream Theater
Systematic Chaos

Progressive Metal | Album | 4 June 2007

I always struggle with DT for one simple reason - the vocals. Those high pitched, whiny vocals. Once I hear the singing, I then doubt the band in other places, as I am irritable - Are they heavy enough for me?. This album is like they have responded to my personal pleas. It is heavier than ever before, and although Labrie is still on vox, he never tries to reach notes out of his range. There is some amazing solo work as always, but more importantly, some of the best 'songs' (rather than solos) the band have ever written.


The Novella Reservoir
[A-496 | R-2988]

Novembers Doom
The Novella Reservoir

Gothic Metal | Album | 20 February 2007

OK - I like to have a 10 that isn't too predictable, but this year seems to have more known bands than previous years! So this, my friends is my big discovery for the year - a band that have been recording for over a decade but I had never noticed. The style (for lack of a better comparison) is akin to a band like Opeth - death metal, with passages of melody and clean vocals - but these guys aren't an Opeth clone by any means. This is good modern death metal deeply rooted in the American style rather than Euro. Check this out - you may be surprised.


The Atrocity Exhibition, Exhibit A
[A-348 | R-2148]

The Atrocity Exhibition, Exhibit A

Thrash Metal | Album | 23 October 2007

Fuck me - Exodus just keep getting better! Each release has vast improvements over the last - the riffs are faster and heavier, the vocals are improved (with some clean passages!), and the overall production is superb. If Exodus had written an album like this 20 years ago, someone other than me would have noticed them! Step aside Metallica - the original Bay Area band is back. I can't wait for Exhibit B!


[A-533 | R-7776]


Death Metal (Blackened) | Album | 28 May 2007

This band gets better with each release. They are like a death metal version of The Beatles - the progression and maturity between each album is astonishing. This is a hotch-potch of extreme metal styles with shades of electronic and ambient mixed in too. Don't be fooled though - improvement hasn't meant they have toned down or slowed down - this is still not for the faint hearted. It's brutal and evil.


United Abominations
[A-18 | R-2111]

United Abominations

Thrash Metal | Album | 15 May 2007

And again he has proven it. After 25 years in the game, Dave Mustaine has proven that he is still God on guitar. Where 2004's The System Has Failed promised a lot, but only delivered occasionally, this is a pure return to form for Megadeth - a brilliant and catchy modern thrash album with some of the best solos and most incessant choruses of the year. Long live Vic Rattlehead!


Ordo Ad Chao
[A-891 | R-12220]

Ordo Ad Chao

Black Metal | Album | 16 April 2007

Mayhem are the undisputed Kings of any metal black. It's that simple really. Every time the genre twists in a new direction and threatens to leave the dinosaurs of the genre behind, Mayhem stick up their collective middle finger, and blister the landscape with their own thoughts on how it should be. I was expecting another Chimera, but what I got was something far different, and far more sinister. The album is dark - it exudes atmosphere. The sounds have various tempo changes, from insanely fast, to sludgy slow, and with the most necro production of recent years by any band no longer in their garage, it works beautifully as a work of not just music, but art. This one will bring tears to your eyes.

TheBigBlack's Metal Honourable Mentions

Demon Deceiver (The Sin Sessions)
[A-620 | R-3608]

Al Atkins
Demon Deceiver (The Sin Sessions)

Heavy Metal | Album | 22 January 2007

I thought that ol' Al had run his course recycling old Judas Priest tracks he co-wrote with them 30-odd years ago, but I think he has finally done the tracks justice. If this was released in 1985 I would have got a hard-on.

Thrash Anthems
[A-142 | R-999]

Thrash Anthems

Thrash Metal | Album | 2007

I loved early Destruction (as cheesy as some of it was), and with the sole exception of Anthrax's The Greater Of Two Evils, re-recording albums can be just as cheesy themselves, but this is really good! If only the originals were recorded with this musicianship and production they wouldn't have needed to re-record the songs in the first place!

The Dethalbum
[A-1304 | R-7802]

The Dethalbum

Death Metal | Album | 25 September 2007

Yes, this is the soundtrack from the cartoon series - but it is actually really good old school American style death metal! I know, I was surprised too. Duncan Hills Coffee!

[A-18 | R-2121]


Thrash Metal | Compilation Boxed Set | 9 October 2007

Megadeth release a 4 CD, 1 DVD box set and you didn't think it would be in my best-ofs for the year? You are no friend of mine. This is a great compilation with a multitude of rarities and unreleased tracks. Also, the complete 1990 concert on disc 4 is possibly the best MD live concert I have ever heard.

The Roundhouse Tapes
[A-75 | R-308]

The Roundhouse Tapes

Death Metal (Progressive) | Album | 5 November 2007

This should be number 1 in my 10, but I can't include it due to it being a live album. Whose stupid rules are these? The vocals are insane.

Black Rain
[A-298 | R-2088]

Ozzy Osbourne
Black Rain

Heavy Metal | Album | 22 May 2007

Ozzy is back, and he has done his great legacy justice. This isn't the heaviest thing he has ever done (but I'll be damned if you think you can get this in your rock Top 10 MK!), but it is still everything you have ever loved about the Oz-man.

V, Halmstad
[A-182 | R-1329]

V, Halmstad

Black Metal | Album | 16 April 2007

This isn't as dark as Shining's previous albums (although it does have it's moments), but musically it is likely the most complex they have assembled. It was in my 10, but I tired of it a little quicker than I had hoped I would.

[A-574 | R-3349]


Heavy Metal | Album | 16 April 2007

After a decade of embarrassing albums that tried to experiment or rehash the past Blackie has finally done what he did best in the 80s - he has written a fast, heavy album with great choruses to sing along to.

TheBigBlack's Metal Dishonourable Mentions

F.O.A.D. (Fuck Off And Die)
[A-24 | R-967]

F.O.A.D. (Fuck Off And Die)

Black Metal | Album | 24 September 2007

I hate to admit it, but I think Darkthrone have finally jumped the shark on this one. The songs are corny, and the music is dull. A once great innovator is dead I think, and now it is defiling its own corpse.

Gods Of War
[A-523 | R-3172]

Gods Of War

Heavy Metal | Album | 23 February 2007

Hey, don't get me wrong, I love Manowar, but seriously how much orchestral wanking can be done in the name of Oden without getting cum on the clean sheets? This is like an opera with a guitar solo. They should be named 'Queenowar' from here on.

Gothic Kabbalah
[A-706 | R-3753]

Gothic Kabbalah

Symphonic Metal | Album | 12 January 2007

The last Therion album (the brilliant Sirius B / Lemuria) was so good it made my Top 10. It had so many styles and textures. This one seemed dull and lifeless - and 2 CDs was really excessive.

Simple Mind Condition
[A-1269 | R-5170]

Simple Mind Condition

Doom Metal | Album | 12 May 2007

After so many long years, Trouble are back! But only a little bit. Is this them warming up on couple of b-side worthy rock songs? Where's the metal?

Dead Again
[A-432 | R-2705]

Type O Negative
Dead Again

Gothic Metal | Album | 13 March 2007

Well, Type O have finally sold me a dud. I have listened to this dozens of times, but it just bores me. I am going to stop wearing my 'Pete Steele Rocks My World' underwear.

mk's Metal Top 10


Room Full Of Sinners
[A-392 | R-2351]

The Cursed
Room Full Of Sinners

Metal | Album | 22 May 2007

A departure from the rest of my list, as you'll see. Ellsworth of Overkill fame's side project with Dan Lorenzo. But don't think Overkill here - this is slowed down bluesy Southern metal. New Jersey style of course. Guitar work is catchy here and there's a sense of tongue in cheek in the lyric work. Check out - the best of the worst for an example. The last spot in my Top10 was a difficult one to choose, but in the end, it was the simplistic and memorable mix that won me over


F.O.A.D. (Fuck Off And Die)
[A-24 | R-967]

F.O.A.D. (Fuck Off And Die)

Black Metal | Album | 24 September 2007

Such a joke, it's brilliant!! Becoming more obscure with each release, these guys do well at not taking themselves seriously. Exhibit A - Canadian Metal and the title track F.O.A.D. Buy the album is you want to know what that stands for. A new album expected in 2008 - what will they parody next


The End Of The Hour
[A-433 | R-2708]

Paths Of Possession
The End Of The Hour

Death Metal | Album | 2007

I'll admit up front that in my mind Corpsegrinder Fisher can do no wrong. I was absolutely wrapped that he resurfaced with this gem of a band. No-one can deny his contribution to cannibal Corpse and his legacy will continue. He has one of the greatest death metal voices and I think Paths of Possession gives him more freedom to twist and turn that guttural growl of his in as many directions as he likes. Yes, I know I've only talked about him to this point, but in honesty it is him that makes this band. This is not to say that musically this isn't a great post thrash death metal infusion - it's brilliant!! But with a lot of death metal, the vocals are to 'stock' (thanks SKOM). The variety in the vox here is perfect, with a few pretty cool licks added in for good measure. It's only their second album and they are yet to get the cudos from a wider audience. Let's hope things continue to improve for them.


V, Halmstad
[A-182 | R-1329]

V, Halmstad

Black Metal | Album | 16 April 2007

Up until now, it was the stage antics that caught my eye. If you have to cut yourself on stage to get the fans in then go your hardest I reckon. Perhaps that's where the lead singer shrieking on the album are inspired from. I was going to describe this release as 'Bobcat Golthweight fronting Rammstein but that would be unfair (and 'yes', I'm fearful of the horses head on the doorstep tomorrow morning). This is an obscure release, but full of passion and heavy at the same time. It took a few listens and yes, I trashed them when Guitarizan proclaimed their goodness earlier in the year. A little persistence and I was in. Don't you love when you put in the 'hard-yards' and discover a gem?


A Greater Darkness
[A-976 | R-4498]

Red Harvest
A Greater Darkness

Heavy Metal | Album | 2007

The opening track will have your eyes bleeding from the inside! The second track will have you weeping with sorrow, such is the diversity of this release. The buzzing guitars through this album are brilliant, the timing changes perfect, the drumming simplistic but concrete. An industrial sound, yes, so the polish has been applied, but a sound that grabbed my attention this year. Love it!


King Of The Grey Islands
[A-134 | R-925]

King Of The Grey Islands

Doom Metal | Album | 22 June 2007

I'm the first to admit I have deliberately avoided this release for most of the year. As I said in 2005, it was Messiah's vox that sealed the deal for me on their previous self-titled release. It was a shame that he left, but if Leif is to be believed, he was a right prick. So in comes the actor Rob Lowe - who'd have thought huh? From Solitude Aeturnus fame. I realise now what a fool I have been to be so anti towards him all year. Yep, he sounds different to Messiah, but he fits in perfectly. How lucky are Leif and Co to find a perfect replacement? The guitar work is buzzing like opening a tin can with a blunt knife, while the theme of the album is suitable depressing. Sure they've moved on from their Epicus doom period and are a little more (dare I say it) 'positive' in their music, but the theme of the album does prove they still have those doom overtones.


Prominence And Demise
[A-572 | R-3325]

Prominence And Demise

Black Metal | Album | 4 September 2007

I think I described it as 'Thinking man's metal' to Zan earlier in the year. Gee this is tight - a very tight piece of work. With Hellhammer lending his expertise to another worthy collaboration, I was always going to be interested. The music certainly isn't played at a jaw-breaking pace - more a bread basket punch knocking the wind out of you. Lars somewhat high pitch desperation in his vox has you on the edge of your seat feeling like you're in the middle of an epic journey. Operatic elements are not overbearing and fit as small interludes in the progressive wall of sound, while Tidemann's guitar work is as crisp and as tight can be. All blends together for an enjoyable listen.


[A-533 | R-7776]


Death Metal (Blackened) | Album | 28 May 2007

Picked this gem up from the bruts in suits a month or two back. Punishing is all I can say. Well, actually add 'Melodic' in there also. These guys caught my attention with 'Goat' a few years back now and Antichrist just continues to raise the bar. I don't really subscribe to the Christianity/Satanism debate attached to this band (why these guys above others?? stoopid Pom priests!), but I'm sure this release will warm the cockles of Beelzebub's heart.


[A-971 | R-4490]


Nu Metal | Album | 2007

OK, I'm gonna cop a lot of shit for this (already have actually), so a big Fuck You to the haters. I know what you're all thinking - Why is a sophisticated guy like me listening to Static X?...What??? You don't think that at all?? OK, refer to my salutation above then. Yes, I like the intricacies of some metal arrangements (refer to Winds release for this year), but when you want to get a 'dose of metal is all you need / bang your head until you bleed' (kudos Mr Mustaine), then this is it for me. Yeah, it's simple. Yeah it's repetitive, but damn it's heavy!! Love it!!


[A-607 | R-3569]


Nu Metal | Album | 31 July 2007

After my less than enthusiastic reaction to 'See you on the Other Side' I was a little anxious about what was to come next. It was only seeing it in the bargain bin after being out for 3 months that had me jump at the opportunity. What was this implying? Whatever it was to be at least it wasn't going to cost me much. Well, in the end it was my best investment for 2007. On initial listen I was far from impressed - Untouchables it wasn't!! Thankfully persistence rewarded me and after folding back the negative vibes, I was rewarded with a fleshy piece of song writing. They have moved away from their Nu Metal roots but are still able to intertwine some magnificent heavy breakdowns in the mix (see 'Ever Be'). Davis has worked on his vocal range further, adding further complexity to the music and it is this harmonic side to the album that I really enjoy. Song themes such as schizophrenia ('Bitch we got a problem') are an odd choice, but the obvious digs at Welch can't be missed ('Ever Be' and 'Love and Luxury'). Clearly Korn is a different band from the 90's version. A contrast from the rest of my metal list it certainly is, but I can't ignore the fact it's my best choice for 2007

mk's Metal Honourable Mentions

Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band
[A-220 | R-3440]

Sgt. Hetfield's Motorbreath Pub Band

Comedy | Album | 10 July 2007

It was only a matter of time before this eventuated. Truly the kings of the mash-up at the moment, although I have to admit some of the changes they have made to some songs since the originals were posted on the Net several years ago detract a little.

MTV Unplugged
[A-607 | R-3568]

MTV Unplugged

Nu Metal | Album | 5 March 2007

Whoa!! This is brilliant..yes even with Amy Lee on it. Highlight is clearly Davis a the Cure's Smith performing a duet of Make me bad and In Between days

mk's Metal Dishonourable Mentions

[A-1376 | R-5356]


Metal | Album | 7 April 2007

Grow up fat boy ('Big Vin'). Alright, I know there's plenty of you thinking it but not saying it...the wrong brother died in December 2004.

[A-1378 | R-5360]

Job For A Cowboy

Death Metal (Technical) | Album | 15 May 2007

Get another job. Preferably on another planet.

A World In Their Screams
[A-87 | R-501]

A World In Their Screams

Ambient | Album | 23 April 2007

Already on another planet for people nobody likes.

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