Top 10 Administration

Top 10 for 2008


TheBigBlack's Rock Top 10


It Is Time For A Love Revolution
[A-57 | R-154]

Lenny Kravitz
It Is Time For A Love Revolution

Rock | Album | 5 February 2008



[A-116 | R-795]


Alternative Rock | Album | 31 March 2008



Saints Of Los Angeles
[A-216 | R-1484]

Motley Crue
Saints Of Los Angeles

Hard Rock | Album | 24 June 2008



Black Ice
[A-372 | R-3570]

Black Ice

Hard Rock | Album | 20 October 2008



Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
[A-2217 | R-2245]

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!

Alternative Rock | Album | 3 March 2008



Chinese Democracy
[A-382 | R-2302]

Guns n' Roses
Chinese Democracy

Hard Rock | Album | 23 November 2008



Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace
[A-23 | R-854]

The Offspring
Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace

Punk Rock | Album | 17 June 2008



The Bedlam In Goliath
[A-335 | R-2040]

The Mars Volta
The Bedlam In Goliath

Alternative Rock | Album | 2 January 2008



Seeing Things
[A-158 | R-1226]

Jakob Dylan
Seeing Things

Rock | Album | 10 June 2008



Final Conversation Of Kings
[A-1155 | R-5482]

The Butterfly Effect
Final Conversation Of Kings

Alternative Rock | Album | 20 September 2008


TheBigBlack's Rock Honourable Mentions

The Bootleg Series Vol. 8, Tell Tale Signs (Rare & Unreleased 1989-2006) [Deluxe Edition]
[A-123 | R-5790]

Bob Dylan
The Bootleg Series Vol. 8, Tell Tale Signs (Rare & Unreleased 1989-2006) [Deluxe Edition]

Classic Rock | Compilation Boxed Set | 7 October 2008


TheBigBlack's Rock Dishonourable Mentions

Mountain Battles
[A-356 | R-2204]

The Breeders
Mountain Battles

Alternative Rock | Album | 7 April 2008


mk's Rock Top 10


Final Conversation Of Kings
[A-1155 | R-5482]

The Butterfly Effect
Final Conversation Of Kings

Alternative Rock | Album | 20 September 2008


I was a little hesitant to get stuck into this release after my tug-of-war over their 2006 release Imago. It ended up being my number 1 that year. A brilliant release! But it took an awful long time to sink in. The song structures are incredibly more complex and mature than their debut long player in 2003. In the end I came to the conclusion that I loved it. For the band themselves it would end up being a hugely popular release. And so it came to being that I was expecting the same struggle with Final Conversations..'. And yes, this has ended up being the case. Typically each song will commence with a softly singing Clint, introducing the song, in most cases slowly building up the pressure and intensity to a heartfelt chorus and song ending. I like this method when it's done well. While their form has continued I don't think it as strong as Imago. Still a good listen though.


Nude With Boots
[A-398 | R-2396]

Nude With Boots

Grunge Rock | Album | 8 July 2008


I was not totally interested initially in giving this a decent listen. On hearing the opening track 'The Kicking Machine' for the first time, I was immediately keen. It has a similar funk/grove sound to that of Clutch, whose 2007 release (From Beale Street to Oblivion) I really enjoyed. This is not a theme that is carried through the remainder of the album however. There are many layers to peel back. Even the haunting interlude in the middle of the album 'Dies Iraea' is captivating. The following track ('Suicide in Progress') commences with a rockabilly feel to it before calming down to effectively a piece of angry spoken word. In short, there's a lot to listen to here. Over time, I think it'll keep growing on me.


Ghosts I-IV
[A-112 | R-743]

Nine Inch Nails
Ghosts I-IV

Rock (Industrial) | Album | 2008


Three months after releasing it's 6th studio album 'Ghosts I-IV', the 7th offering, 'The Slip' arrived. Thankfully one of them stuck for me. The first 4 or 5 songs off 'The Slip' are the classic NIN industrial sound we've come to expect from them. Admittedly it does become a little to ambient for a couple of tracks, notably 'Lights in the Sky' and 'Corona Radiata'


When Angels And Serpents Dance
[A-68 | R-190]

P.O.D. (Payable On Death)
When Angels And Serpents Dance

Nu Metal | Album | 2008


I think if you know me by now, you'll know I'm a fan of the catchy hard-rock being released over the past few years - Fuel, Filter, even Staind to some extent. P.O.D are just another of those bands. There's still a little of the nu-metal influence shining through such as the first track Addicted. Guest appearance by Mike Muir of Suicidal Tendencies fame on Kaliforn-Eye-a is pretty cool also, where we get a bit of punk influence. There's also trimmings of regge on the following track I'll Be Ready, which is a different approach. Mostly a pretty mature release. Their 2006 release Testify was also a winner for me and this one continues in the same vein.


The Lucky Ones
[A-177 | R-1531]

The Lucky Ones

Grunge Rock | Album | 20 May 2008


After the compilation of 2006, most people though the pioneers of the Seattle scene were done with. Well they've managed to squeeze another one out of the bottle.. literally, putting together 11 songs in 3.5 days!! Ask me what it is about this particular release and I couldn't tell you. Perhaps they have been out of my ears long enough that I have forgotten what that sound was like. Either way, it's a worthy Ttop 10 effort.


Sahg II
[A-406 | R-2537]

Sahg II

Heavy Metal | Album | 18 March 2008


I always get fooled by the band name here. Thinking they're going to spin some Viking Metal rubbish in my general direction, I reluctantly give it spin number 1. Again I was surprised and impressed with what I was greeted with. Making a not so subtle salute to early Sabbath, Sagh II have a good knack of producing that slow chug sound, while the lead singer has that definite vacant Ozzy ring to his voice. Not that being a Sabbath clone is reason enough to like this release. It does stand up well on its own.


The Illusion Of Progress
[A-514 | R-3599]

The Illusion Of Progress

Alternative Rock | Album | 19 August 2008


Much of the same from Staind when looking at the previous few releases. They have toned down their Nu-Metal ways of early years for, in my opinion, the better. Plenty of catchy rock tunes and the odd slow (and yes soppy) songs. To these ears the right combination. The limited edition has bonus tracks on it including acoustic versions of some of their bigger hits.


Chinese Democracy
[A-382 | R-2302]

Guns n' Roses
Chinese Democracy

Hard Rock | Album | 23 November 2008


Look there has been plenty of discussions on the merit or this particular release so I'm not about to rehash the bitterness I hold for Axl and his treatment of the fine Legacy that GnR once was. I was expecting the worst and on first listen, like most people cried foul at this not being the natural follow-up to the 'Illusion' releases (Spaghetti Incident doesn't count!!). In reality this could never be the case - MOVE ON mk!! Forgetting the moniker the band goes by today and just listening to the music itself, there's no denying that Axl has the song writing talent. There are some catchy tunes in this bunch, just not in the GnR style we came to love in the late 80's, early 90's. As TheBigBlack said to me - think of it not as a GnR release but an Axl W Rose release and you'll enjoy it. I actually couldn't agree more.


Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace
[A-23 | R-854]

The Offspring
Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace

Punk Rock | Album | 17 June 2008


Holy smoke!! Cut out the dumb lyrics and we're back to the early 90's. There's some smart songwriting here - if you're after the punk rock sound of old, then you'll find it here. This being the longest they have worked on an album has paid dividends. And to think I was going to give this a miss. A big surprise!!


Anthems For The Damned
[A-473 | R-2891]

Anthems For The Damned

Rock (Industrial) | Album | 13 May 2008


There's just that familiar atmosphere when you listen to a Filter album. The mix is just catchy - there's no other real way I can describe it. There's plenty of cool new riffs and Patricks vox is it's raspy but tuneful self. I continually dread the day where I am disappointed by a Filter release (not sure why they'd want to break a successful mould), but that's yet to happen. They've released 4 albums in a 14 year career and perhaps that's what they do right, unlike the Foo Fighters who for me have turned into a dull, boring 'same-old'. Kinda a little strange to start off with a song like Soldiers of Misfortune - as slow moving rock ballad.

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TheBigBlack's Metal Top 10


Hundre Ar Gammal
[A-131 | R-904]

Hundre Ar Gammal

Black Metal | Album | 9 June 2008


The Age Of Nero
[A-74 | R-8125]

The Age Of Nero

Black Metal | Album | 3 November 2008

Not as good as 'Now, Diabolical' but only due to it being a little less accessible. It took a few listens to get into, whereas Diabolical got under the skin from listen one. Musically, it is possibly more complex, and the production is better, but still icy. Satyricon can really do not wrong releasing this sort of an album. Now, if Satyr would stop slicking back his hair like a disco wanna be from Saturday Night Fever, and take off those 1985 Aviator sunglasses, then band would almost be cool again. PS - The limited edition version is also packaged with the complete 'My Skin Is Cold' E.P. - grab it while you can!


When You Were Shouting At The Devil... We Were In League With Satan
[A-122 | R-804]

Zimmers Hole
When You Were Shouting At The Devil... We Were In League With Satan

Thrash Metal | Album | 11 March 2008

This one was a surprise - I had heard of Zimmers before, but only really came across them by accident. I'll be dammed if that isn't Devin Townsend on vocals, regardless of what the band says! This is classic Devin style metal, with some of the crassest lyrics of 2008. The appearance of Dethklok's Nathan Explosion added to the mayhem. One of my most played albums of the year, because it is great to drive to. I wish this album had been out in 1985, so I could have played it to all the poseurs myself.


[A-286 | R-1776]


Black Metal (Progressive) | Album | 26 May 2008

From the point of view of production, this album eats the first - which is good, as I think 'The Adversary' suffered a lot because of its thin sound. The music isn't as diverse here, and possibly not as good as the first, but the duet with Akerfeldt had me running to get the tissues. Because I was crying. I wasn't wanking, you pervert. Classic Ihsahn, with more of an Emperor feel this time round.


Twilight Of The Thunder God
[A-396 | R-12223]

Amon Amarth
Twilight Of The Thunder God

Death Metal (Melodic) | Album | 17 September 2008

I love Amon Amarth. They can always be relied on to NOT grow musically, and give you the same Odin inspired lyrics for all eternity. Some may see this as a weakness, but I don't mind a bit of stability in some bands - and this is one of them. This is the usual pummelling-drumbeat death metal, so if you like anything else they have done, you'll love this! I bought the version with the bonus DVD - complete with Viking longship reconstructed on stage. Odin rocks. Don't you forget it. But if you do, Amon Amarth will remind you on their next album.


Assassins, Black Meddle Part I
[A-374 | R-2290]

Assassins, Black Meddle Part I

Black Metal | Album | 10 June 2008

This one was a complete surprise for me - progressive black metal, by an American band. Firstly, black metal comes from Norway, and if it happens to come from somewhere else, it can only be France - anywhere else is not counted - but this is actually really good! Secondly, 'black metal' and 'progressive' are two words that don't go together - but again, this is actually really good! The title (and first track 'One Of These Nights') is a word play on the Pink Floyd classic 'Meddle' and there are a few small similarities musically, but this is basically a band that is trying to break free of a label, but not shed the genre. Highly recommended!


Requiem, Fortissimo
[A-383 | R-2309]

Virgin Black
Requiem, Fortissimo

Gothic Metal | Album | 19 February 2008

Part 1 of the trilogy (Mezzo Forte) left me a bit bored, and needing heaviness. This album made sure that wasn't an issue. This is the darkest, angriest, and by far heaviest slab VB have yet released. Rowan's vocals are an evil growl rather than his usual haunting moan, and the music is down-tuned evil. The great thing is, musical themes run through the trilogy, and I now have a new appreciation of Part 1. Rowan told me a few weeks back that Part 3 (Pianissimo) will be hopefully out mid-year, but will be all orchestration, rather than heavy guitar. After the first two parts gelling so nicely back-to-back, I can't wait!


[A-75 | R-8279]


Death Metal (Progressive) | Album | 3 June 2008

Usually the topmost of my 10 without question, this time around they didn't quite make it. I liked this album a lot (Akerfeldt could sell me a small stool sample that has gone white and flaky, and I would put it in my Top 10), but it didn't quite seem as cohesive as previous albums - and there was a distinct lack of heavy. The new guitarist is great, but he doesn't have the feel Peter did - his solos are little too 'shred' for my liking, and for the flowing Opeth style. Otherwise - great album, but not heavy enough. The quality of musicianship and song-writing improves in every album, and the acoustic opener with Martin Axenrot's girlfriend in duet is a brilliant surprise. This may be a good place for an Opeth beginner to start. PS - The cover of Alice In Chains 'Would?' on the 'Burden' single is great.


[A-368 | R-2244]

Cavalera Conspiracy

Thrash Metal | Album | 24 March 2008

When I heard the Cavalera brothers were making music again, I was sceptical. It was all made worse when they announced the band would be called 'Inflikted'. Smells like nu-metal trend to me. As it turns out, this is the album Sepultura should have made after Roots. This is back to basics Cavalera style thrash neither brother has been able to pull-off since their split. They apparently didn't speak for 11 years (that Brazilian blood is angry blood), but the chemistry is still there. Great stuff. Fast, Angry, Cavalera. Thrash or die, with an accent.


Death Magnetic
[A-38 | R-5479]

Death Magnetic

Thrash Metal | Album | 12 September 2008

OK - First up. Yes it's a predictable number 1, but let's face the facts here. If the dude that invented bread and the dude that invented toast were being ranked - the bread guy is obviously gonna be the better of the two - because there ain't no toast without him. When Metallica release a METAL album, this is a similar situation - They made everything you see and hear (besides a handful of The Ancients Ones like Maiden and Priest), and therefore deserve the throne. Having said that though - regardless, this really is the best slab of metal this year. And to make it even better, unlike 'St. Anger' (which you will all remember I was actually a MAJOR fan of), this is a true return to early Metallica form. The kids these days still don't get it - errrr. the songs are too long. why can't it be more like Puppets or Justice?.. errr. WAKE UP CALL FUCKWITS. The song lengths and track sequencing are exactly like Puppets or Justice, that's why this is so damn retro - it makes me grin like Jack Nicholson when proclaiming 'heeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee's Johnny!' through that axe hole in his bedroom door. Go back to your Trivium and Avenged Sevenfold albums and leave the real metal to us that know what it should sound like.

TheBigBlack's Metal Honourable Mentions

The Fathomless Mastery
[A-133 | R-1700]

The Fathomless Mastery

Death Metal | Album | 29 September 2008

Oh yeah! 3 Bloodbath releases in a year! So why Honourable Mentions, and not in the 10? The Wacken Carnage is a live album, therefore can't be entered, but it is brilliant. With Akerfeldt on vocals as special guest during his absence (with replacement Peter Tagtgren nowhere to be seen), during one of the band's only ever live appearances (at Wacken Festival 95), this was sure to go off - and it does. The DVD even has the band covered in blood when hitting the stage. Very metal. As for the 2 new releases, with Akerfeldt now back as a full time member, I will admit I wasn't that impressed. Maybe it's the absence of Dan Swano, but these releases seem to have lost the classic 'old school' feel that Bloodbath was created to play. Now they sound very similar to the thousands of other non-descript death metal bands out there. A shame really, as they were amongst my most anticipated releases of the year.

The Wacken Carnage
[A-133 | R-909]

The Wacken Carnage

Death Metal | Album + Video | 2 June 2008

Oh yeah! 3 Bloodbath releases in a year! So why Honourable Mentions, and not in the 10? The Wacken Carnage is a live album, therefore can't be entered, but it is brilliant. With Akerfeldt on vocals as special guest during his absence (with replacement Peter Tagtgren nowhere to be seen), during one of the band's only ever live appearances (at Wacken Festival 95), this was sure to go off - and it does. The DVD even has the band covered in blood when hitting the stage. Very metal. As for the 2 new releases, with Akerfeldt now back as a full time member, I will admit I wasn't that impressed. Maybe it's the absence of Dan Swano, but these releases seem to have lost the classic 'old school' feel that Bloodbath was created to play. Now they sound very similar to the thousands of other non-descript death metal bands out there. A shame really, as they were amongst my most anticipated releases of the year.

Unblessing The Purity
[A-133 | R-908]

Unblessing The Purity

Death Metal | E.P. | 10 March 2008

Oh yeah! 3 Bloodbath releases in a year! So why Honourable Mentions, and not in the 10? The Wacken Carnage is a live album, therefore can't be entered, but it is brilliant. With Akerfeldt on vocals as special guest during his absence (with replacement Peter Tagtgren nowhere to be seen), during one of the band's only ever live appearances (at Wacken Festival 95), this was sure to go off - and it does. The DVD even has the band covered in blood when hitting the stage. Very metal. As for the 2 new releases, with Akerfeldt now back as a full time member, I will admit I wasn't that impressed. Maybe it's the absence of Dan Swano, but these releases seem to have lost the classic 'old school' feel that Bloodbath was created to play. Now they sound very similar to the thousands of other non-descript death metal bands out there. A shame really, as they were amongst my most anticipated releases of the year.

Lazarus Bird
[A-779 | R-3941]

Lazarus Bird

Metal | Album | 16 September 2008

This was actually in my 10, and got bumped at the very last minute by Vreid. This is more complex than previous albums, and the vocals are less 'screamed' than previously, toning down the only bad thing about the band's previous efforts. If you like technical progressive metal, without the Dream Theater wankery, try this out.

Frostland Tapes
[A-24 | R-972]

Frostland Tapes

Black Metal | Compilation Boxed Set | 9 June 2008

What can I say? This is brilliant. Quality (which isn't as bad as I expected) aside, these is classic early death metal, prior to Darkthrone discovering Euronymous' new black metal style - and prior to to becoming a fucking bad joke. Not much in the way of vocals, as these were demo run-throughs in hopes of finding a singer - and the live tracks (from a very rare live show in 1990) are magnificent. Ignore current Darkthrone - spend your money on this instead.

Let There Be Blood
[A-348 | R-2235]

Let There Be Blood

Thrash Metal | Album | 28 October 2008

Re-recording a band's first album with their current line-up is always risky, and there is no exception here, because the original vocalist (Paul Baloff) couldn't complain - he's dead. Some of the diehard's saw it as sacrilege, I actually gave it a chance, and it ain't too bad at all - but like most classic albums, you can update the sound, but you can never recreate the soul - and this was just a little too sterile.

Demon Entrails
[A-97 | R-507]

Demon Entrails

Black Metal | Albums Boxed Set | 18 February 2008

Much like the Darkthrone boxset, these demos don't qualify for 2008, but this boxset of long long overdue recordings is mint. If you are a Celtic Frost fan, and want to hear where it all begin, get this now. The sleeve notes and packaging are worth it alone. I have waited far too long for this.

At The Pulse Of Kapitulation, Live In East Berlin 1990
[A-27 | R-729]

At The Pulse Of Kapitulation, Live In East Berlin 1990

Thrash Metal | Album + Video | 29 March 2008

Finally on CD (and a remastered) DVD for the first time, this classic 1990 Kreator outing is fantastic stuff. A warts-n-all performance of a band at the top of their game.

An Ode To Woe
[A-35 | R-41]

My Dying Bride
An Ode To Woe

Doom Metal | Album + Video | 28 April 2008

As you all know, I am sucker for MDB, and this live CD / DVD package was in my hands day one. Not the best live performance I have ever witnessed, but pretty tight just the same - and worth mentioning, as MDB always are.

The Formation Of Damnation
[A-113 | R-760]

The Formation Of Damnation

Thrash Metal | Album | 29 April 2008

Finally a new Testament album after 400 years, with a great line-up of musos. I didn't think this was brilliant, but it was pretty damn good as a return, and a taste of what is (hopefully) still to come. They claim the heaviest songs they wrote are being held off for the next album. Can't wait for that.

TheBigBlack's Metal Dishonourable Mentions

Arson Anthem
[A-417 | R-2628]

Arson Anthem
Arson Anthem

Hardcore Punk | E.P. | 18 December 2008

Hail the return of Phil Anselmo via Down, but don't bothering coming here for a Phil fix. On guitar only, with some other retread barking hardcore vocals like New Orleans is about to be flooded again, this is a barely noticeable hardcore 'album' (at 10 minutes long). What musicians do when they want to see how the other half live.

Traced In Air
[A-608 | R-3573]

Traced In Air

Death Metal | Album | 17 November 2008

I was keen for a new Cynic - after so many years with only one classic release in the bag, but this? What is this? The die-hards all love it - am I missing something? Is metal in 2008 supposed to sound so fucking gay? This is like Bronski Beat with a guitar line. If I'd known this was it, I wouldn't have told them I could wait longer.

Dark Thrones And Black Flags
[A-24 | R-2706]

Dark Thrones And Black Flags

Black Metal | Album | 20 October 2008

Here's a tip. If you plan to put out music that is this much of a parody of yourself, and expect people to like it, don't release a box set of early demos in the same year, because if it wasn't obvious already how bad you have become, it will be once people start comparing. It is very sad when an under-produced set of demos from 20 years ago is better than your current album. A parody is only good so long as it remains funny. I stopped laughing long ago. This band is like a guy that used to moon his friends because at 13 years old they laughed at him, but now that he is 45 and still living with his mum, his friends just don't find the SMS's of photos of his arse that funny anymore. Darkthrone were once the keepers of the throne for a great metal institution. Now they are just plain shit. The music is repetitive and cliche and the vocals are just terrible. Their last album was titled Fuck Off & Die. Perhaps they should hold it up to a mirror and read it to themselves. This is just embarrassing. The shark has been jumped. Torbin Ulrich wouldn't just suggest you delete it, he will push the button himself, then empty the Recycle Bin.

[A-192 | R-1384]

Judas Priest

Heavy Metal | Album | 13 June 2008

This is fucking laughable. In 2004 Priest released their best album EVER, and now - we get this. The whole term 'concept album about Nostradamus' pretty much conjures what this album sounds like. Halford wants to wear costumes when performing it live. Fucking SPINAL TAP. Pathetic.

mk's Metal Top 10

OK, it's taken a long time coming - a little late but we made it. Enjoy!


All Hope Is Gone
[A-388 | R-10983]

All Hope Is Gone

Nu Metal | Album | 20 August 2008

This release if anything does make me appreciate Subliminal Versus more, but that's not to say that this is a bad release. It's just not a shadow on their release of 2006. In short I do enjoy the music, but there's something rotten in Demark here with this release. Just what is Corey, Jim and Co trying to achieve? Slipknot fans from the Iowa and past days will have noticed the transition happening here - to me they're becoming less and less Slipknot and more and more in the Stone Sour mould. At their brutal best the vox, percussion, techno beats, etc are well grained in the Slipknot sound (the first track Execute is a good example). But as you weave your way through this release, you hear trimmings, that probably belong on the next Stone Sour release - very structured with little risk - perfect example is the chorus of track 2 (Gematria) - Corey brings out a sound not familiar to the Slipknot sound. What does this all mean? I like it - I really do, but as a release for which band I'm not entirely certain.


Save Me From Myself
[A-1672 | R-5817]

Head [Brian Welch]
Save Me From Myself

Alternative Rock | Album | 2008

I have to admit that I was ready to place this in the dishonourable list for 2008. There's been a lot of hype about this release - well the music and the book both - so I was hoping for the worst. In actual fact this release borrows a lot from the late 1990's Korn sound - a period of Korn that he was quite influential with, but when he announced he was no longer interested in that lifestyle I very much expected the music to be as much a departure from Korn as his personal departure from his previous life, to Christianity. The lyrics don't hold much interest for me - of course the topics focus on the bad of his previous life and the good of his new life, but musically it did raise an interest for me in 2008. It's not the stuff you're going to see in your Gospel hall any time soon, but if he does tour the album then maybe, just maybe, he'll be back to cursing in his next album.


Dark Thrones And Black Flags
[A-24 | R-2706]

Dark Thrones And Black Flags

Black Metal | Album | 20 October 2008

OK - I know opinion is divided over Darkthrone's direction over the past couple of years. Ok, well maybe the scales are tipping mostly in favour of the 'Why bother?' If that be the case, then I guess I'm in the minority. This is one band where I do take a lot of notice to their lyrics - albeit as stupid and cheesy as they are. Listen to their last release F.O.A.D and you'll get an idea of where they are at. The fact is, I love the humour and their 2008 release is pretty much the same - it all starts with the first track '...the Dungeon Shaker', which has been a track of much discussion and disgust at the BigBlack. It's still rooted deeply in the Black Metal style with a production hitting a scale of more a 180 grit sandpaper as opposed to the expected 60 grit. Perhaps it's an indication of the remaining quality of my Top10, but in all seriousness, I just enjoy listening to their work. Another band not doing a Metallica and releasing new material almost each year for the past few years. I look forward to the next instalment.


[A-286 | R-1776]


Black Metal (Progressive) | Album | 26 May 2008

This guy has a fantastic history in Metal and his first solo release a couple of years ago raised much interest at the BigBlack, almost making my Top10. This release I think offers more to the listener. His voice is hard to peg into a hole really, which when matched with the music is probably a good thing. The sound is progressive, but with some soulful interludes such as that on Scarab. Oh and of course I should have mentioned in my first sentence that Mikael from Opeth makes a guest appearance on track 3. Listening closely to this track you could place this on an Opeth album - well maybe not Watershed (see my Dishonourable list). In summary, an attractive offering that I think has the potential to ensure Ihsahn stays in our circle of interest for many years to come.


Hundre Ar Gammal
[A-131 | R-904]

Hundre Ar Gammal

Black Metal | Album | 9 June 2008

Khold have moved toward the Black and Roll style over the past couple of releases and it's just really captured my interest. I don't have much more than that to say in all honesty. It's certainly not as in your face as a traditional black metal release, but flows along making it an easy and enjoyable listen. Now, if only they could come up with an album name I can easily recall and spell anytime in the near future, that'd be great.


The Age Of Nero
[A-74 | R-8125]

The Age Of Nero

Black Metal | Album | 3 November 2008

I was a massive fan of their last release - Now Diabolical!, and although The Age of Nero doesn't quite reach those heights, it still pokes the devils fork in all the right places for me. The guitar sound along with the constant double bass of the drum in the background is central to the sound. Satyr's clinical and rasping vocal matches the sound well. These guys recently toured Australia and decided to miss Adelaide for the first time. I hope they don't make my 'wish I had seen when they toured' list in the future.


[A-368 | R-2244]

Cavalera Conspiracy

Thrash Metal | Album | 24 March 2008

The crew at BigBlack were wetting themselves in anticipation for this release. Let's just call it a Sepultura reunion. Who cares about Andres really - I've been less than impressed with his last couple of Sepultura efforts. Instead the guitarist from Italian metal masters Gojira fills Andres void, and after I initially convinced myself that I didn't like it, I can't avoid the urge to play it quite regularly. The only squirm in the bottom of my stomach is the littering of cheesy liyrics - Inflikted, show no mercy, motherfucking wicked. That's rhyming for rhyming's sake really, that I could do without. Truth be told though, I really hope these guys, as a group, are around to stay.


Hammer Battalion
[A-345 | R-2129]

Hammer Battalion

Death Metal | Album | 6 June 2008

It's Unleashed, of course they will make my Top10. In actual fact I must admit I have only been a fan since their previous release in 2007 - Midvinterbolt. A release that made my Top10 that year. I've since then gone back through their discography and realised what I have been missing out on. It's easy to say that if you've heard Unleashed then you will hear much of the same on this release. BRILLIANT - just what I want. Some fast pace DM at its best!! Reading the liner notes from this release, you soon realise these guys aren't just thugs playing heavy metal - topics mostly question Christian beliefs and they make some intelligent points. Another positive is they have toned down on the references to Odin J. Two releases in two years. Two Top10 listings. Bring on the next release, pronto!!


Requiem, Fortissimo
[A-383 | R-2309]

Virgin Black
Requiem, Fortissimo

Gothic Metal | Album | 19 February 2008

I think within 3 or 4 listens of this one, I went out and bought it. The second release and the heavier of the Requiem trilogy from Virgin Black is as moody as hell. The opening track starts off with some fast paced crunching guitars, only to open the trap door to some funeral paced metal and howling vocals. As I have alluded to, the mood doesn't deviate a great deal from there - if there was a need to draw a parallel with another band, My Dying Bride would be a close suit. But don't be mistaken - this is a unique piece of art in itself. The music itself isn't all that complicated - possibly the arrangement is the key, with a few orchestral elements sewn into the fabric. Rowan's vocal display is a talent to enjoy - he has an amazing range. I'll certainly never tire of listening to this release. The cherry on top of the cake would come later in the year when the BigBlack crew managed to see them open for Opeth at Thebarton Theatre.


Death Magnetic
[A-38 | R-5479]

Death Magnetic

Thrash Metal | Album | 12 September 2008

The crew at TheBigBlack HQ made a co-ordinated attack on JB HiFi the day of release - after attempting to convince a number of stores that the day before was the correct release date for the album, we waited until the day after the US release date (ok, given time difference, it was about 10 hours later). Unlike St Anger, I had heard nothing on radio about the new album. The only judgement being the numerous interviews with Lars, James and co that I read on the net. The one word that stuck with me through reading all these articles, was Lars constant referral to the music being 'Nutty'. I hated this reference from the first time I read it - what the hell does that mean? It doesn't give me a reference point to work with at all. Mind you, previous reports had Rubin asking them to put themselves in their Puppets era vibe - what a wank!! The band has been through so much, you can't expect them to produce a similar release, and in some ways I feared it was dooming them to failure - were we expecting everyone to judge them on a 'is this Puppets quality or not?' platform. I really hoped that wouldn't happen. On the day of release - for the following hours that I drove around listening to it, and indeed, the following week where I would have listen to it a dozen or so times, I reflected on Lars's comment and couldn't think of a more appropriate description. It is indeed 'Nutty'!! Forget St Anger...forget the Black album even - this is possibly their best performance since Puppets!! Yes, I'd be more than willing to present a reasonable argument with anyone that thinks Justice would shite al over Magnetic. And trust me, I love Justice to pieces. I draw back to the Nutty reference - listening to each song, it's almost like you can predict a finish to a song, but no, they up it a notch, not just with some filler music to make it an 8 minute track, but some absolute quality music to pull you off the floor and keep your head banging the hardest it possibly can. Just writing this, I want to listen to the album again.and again. That's how good I think it is. Can't wait for the tour to Oz and more importantly, I can't wait to see what these so called washed up has been's produce on their next effort!! 'TALLICA YEAH!! \m/

mk's Metal Honourable Mentions

Demon Entrails
[A-97 | R-507]

Demon Entrails

Black Metal | Albums Boxed Set | 18 February 2008

Covers their three early demos on 2 discs. I hadn't heard the demos previous to now, originally crafted in 1983. For a young band, the sound is quite mature (production isn't too bad either). An interesting insight into what would eventually lead to the creation of Celtic Frost.

Opus Magnum
[A-778 | R-5904]

Opus Magnum

Death Metal (Melodic) | Album | 30 May 2008

A surprise find this year - the third studio album (first in 7 years) from a band lead by Martin Schirenc - lead singer of now disbanded Pungent Stench. The story behind the creation of the band in 1994 was due to the lack of Black Metal in Austria, where these guys hail from. They formed the Austrian Black Metal Syndicate and have released some quality recordings. Worth a listen.

The New Game
[A-1282 | R-5842]

The New Game

Metal | Album | 2008

Yeah I know what you might be saying, but bear with me...I was pleasantly surprised by the new sound - moving further away from the Nu-Metal sound, almost to rock, with some great guitar licks. Two of the band members have been paying and touring with the gawd awful Hellyeah, so I was expecting the worst. They've recorded enough music for a second album due out in 2009, so will be interested to hear this one also.

mk's Metal Dishonourable Mentions

[A-192 | R-1384]

Judas Priest

Heavy Metal | Album | 13 June 2008

They've fucked up big time. After a corker of a release with Angel of Retribution (although in hindsight, I should have known Loch Ness was a sign of things to come), which welcomed Halford back to the vocal duties, they roll out this hunk of shit. A concept album seems to be the trend these days, and I'm yet to hear a good one yet. Stop trying to be intelligent fucks and go back to writing about Demons. OUT!! DEMONS OUT!!!!!", 1993,76,,2020,Obviously the crap left on the cutting-room floor from Catch Thirtythree was picked up to put this noise together. It's exactly that - noise. Put the drum beat on auto pilot for 40 minutes, place two guitarists next to each other to pump out the same numbing sound for the same period of time, oh and of course there is Kidman who has had a vocal transplant preferring to shout undecipherable shit into the microphone. For fuck sake, drop dead!

[A-75 | R-8279]


Death Metal (Progressive) | Album | 3 June 2008

Someone has to set you straight Mikael, so it may as well be me. For the next Opeth album, please bear the following in mind: Tell the fans that you're planning on releasing shit. Don't get us all hooked by telling us all before the release that it's going to be heavier, more complex, diverse etc.. Noone gives a shit about running through fields of sorrow - certainly not at track one. ..Ahh, I'm just going to get depressed if I continue the list. Despite losing Peter, you still have a bunch of talent behind you Mikael to produce something far more than Watershed. Use them!!

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