Top 10 Administration

Top 10 for 2014


TheBigBlack's Rock Top 10


Royal Blood
[A-4724 | R-14389]

Royal Blood
Royal Blood

Hard Rock | Album | 25 August 2014


It's dirty and it's garage, but it isn't done trendy - it sounds genuine, and that is something that is missing from most modern rock. These guys sound like they are channelling the rock gods of old, and doing it however it happens, regardless of the results. What we hear is some good genuine rock and roll.


La Gargola
[A-171 | R-12134]

La Gargola

Alternative Rock | Album | 1 April 2014


There is a fire in the bellies of these boys that wasn't on the last few albums. It feels new and fresh and like they have got their s#@$ together big time on this album. The production is dirty, and the songs are great blend of progressive and catchy that keeps it accessible throughout.


Monument To An Elegy
[A-40 | R-12091]

Smashing Pumpkins
Monument To An Elegy

Alternative Rock | Album | 5 December 2014


I do one day hope to place a Pumpkins album back in that number one slot that the band so easily filled in their early days. I don't think Billy's best work is behind him now (as most artists his age) - on the contrary actually, as he seems to be writing some of is richest and brightest music of his career. But that in itself is possibly the issue. This was band that made a career using (to use their own term) melancholy to make great music. Billy is now happy for some reason, and the music reflects that - but like most fans, I think I actually preferred him sad. This is far from a bad album, and contains a tapestry of all sorts of ideas and elements that make up the SP sound. The songs are short and tight (on purpose, because kids these days can't listen to anything longer than 3 minutes apparently), but overall I am again left feeling that these songs given the right production could have been bigger and better than they are here. Certainly most of them sound great live.


[A-685 | R-12613]


Alternative Rock | Album | 8 August 2014


I'm not really sure whether it is the songs I like or the gritty down-tuned guitar tones used throughout. It is certainly the first time I have paid any attention to these guys in about 15 year. There doesn't seem to be much interest in radio songs here - just straight up in-your-face heavy rock. Nice work.


Lullaby And. The Ceaseless Roar
[A-502 | R-12599]

Robert Plant
Lullaby And. The Ceaseless Roar

Rock | Album | 8 September 2014


At the age he is at you'd expect that Robert Plant would by now have given up on self-expression and reinvention. Does he still have anything left to say? Obviously - and he continues to find new way in which to say it. As with all his albums, this one is another step beyond the one before - constantly changing and evolving into something different on every track. With banjo here, a flute there, and a dub beat over there it is a rich and complex album that reveals more on ever listen. This is what Jethro Tull would have sounded like if they were formed in 2010.


Going To Hell
[A-4654 | R-12367]

The Pretty Reckless
Going To Hell

Alternative Rock | Album | 24 March 2014


Although I would never say that the 'scenery' is not EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD in the rehearsal room of The Pretty Reckless, I will say that is not the reason I like the band. The music is brilliantly produced in-your-face modern rock (with a tinge of metal), and the moment you hear Taylor Momson open her mouth you know she is not just another Hollywood starlet wannabe that decided to pretend to be a pop star. Her voice is angry and convincing, and probably one of the best new female voices I have heard in recent years.


Great Western Valkyrie
[A-4800 | R-16012]

Rival Sons
Great Western Valkyrie

Rock | Album | 6 June 2015


Not as good as the previous couple of albums, and I don't think that is based on the songs - I think it is more around the 'pretend 'vintage' production they have used. It sucks the punch out of the big songs. That aside though, this is another great album once again channelling the ghost of Led Zeppelin.


Sonic Highways
[A-13 | R-12705]

Foo Fighters
Sonic Highways

Alternative Rock | Album | 10 November 2014


This didn't blow me away on first listen, but after watching the documentary series and understanding the songs better it certainly did. This is possibly the best Fooeys album since The Colour & The Shape. It may even be better. The songs are inspired (literally - watch the series!), the sound is perfect, and the tracks get just the right punch from the guest musicians that they go right to the next level.


The Endless River
[A-69 | R-12703]

Pink Floyd
The Endless River

Classic Rock | Album | 7 November 2014


This is the most perfect end to such an amazing career. After 20 years of silence we get this mostly instrumental album. I have seen complaints about how this doesn't move the band forward or push any boundaries, and to be honest - I'm happy it doesn't. It feels to me to sound like a tribute to a band that is now long gone (and it is in some ways, being dedicated to Richard Wright who died a few years ago). It has a nod to every great moment of other albums, and wraps up with a song about the strength the band one had. To end with something this simple (yet complex in many ways) is a fitting end to a band that always did it their own way.


Casualties Of Cool
[A-1205 | R-12437]

Casualties Of Cool
Casualties Of Cool

Progressive Metal | Album | 14 May 2014


Absolutely amazing - I cannot get enough of it. I want to get naked and rub up against it. How to describe it? It is like Enya meets Johnny Cash - A weird blend of country and ethereal styles, blended brilliantly into something I have never heard before. The male / female vocals play off each other beautifully, leaving an odd euphoric feeling after listening. Devin has always been one for pushing forward, but some of his DTB release have felt a bit tired recently - this has proven that he still has boundaries to push.

TheBigBlack's Rock Honourable Mentions

Rock Or Bust
[A-372 | R-12687]

Rock Or Bust

Hard Rock | Album | 28 November 2014


It's paint-by-numbers AC/DC, no denying that - but even at their least creative these boys still feel like slipping on a comfy pair of old loafers and sitting by the fireplace. I do like the direction they have headed in their later years - this laid back bluesy style reminiscent of ZZ Top in places. It feels like the music has matured with them, and leaves them looking like the elder statesmen of rock that they are. My only reservation is that there aren't many anthems here - most songs sound like filler or b-sides from other albums. The songs that do shine, are clearly brighter than others.

The Bootleg Series Vol. 11, The Basement Tapes (Complete) (1967)
[A-123 | R-12594]

Bob Dylan & The Band
The Bootleg Series Vol. 11, The Basement Tapes (Complete) (1967)

Classic Rock | Compilation Boxed Set | 4 November 2014


And so finally it is here. The holy grail of Dylan collectors. The single most important recording sessions in popular history - and it only took almost 50 years to be officially released. If you don't know the story of the basement tapes, ask me one day when you have about 3 hours spare (or just google it). They are presented here in their entirety (including tracks never bootlegged), and in better sound than ever before. Although recorded direct to two-track, the stereo separation has been wonderfully manipulated to sound far more natural than ever before. A must have for any rock fan, especially those into the country-rock of the late 60s / early 70s.

The Hunting Party
[A-935 | R-12370]

Linkin Park
The Hunting Party

Nu Metal | Album | 14 June 2014


Kudos to these guys for not standing still. For the first 2 albums they seemed like a band that were going to create nothing new - but stick with the exact same formula until they were no longer relevant anymore, at which point they would fade away into nu-metal history. That is what every other band in the genre did after all. Instead they have now moved into some sort of journey of discovery. Do I like it? Not really - but I do like that they are trying to be the best they can.

Out Among The Stars
[A-270 | R-12128]

Johnny Cash
Out Among The Stars

Country | Album | 24 March 2014


If the rumours are to be believed this 'lost' Cash album from the 80s is the album that could have put his career back on track - but instead he recorded a different (rather average) album after these sessions, and his sales slump continued. I'm not sure if this is a great album, or if the new production is what makes it shine - but either way, it's a great listen.

TheBigBlack's Rock Dishonourable Mentions

CSNY 1974
[A-413 | R-12267]

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
CSNY 1974

Folk Rock | Album | 8 July 2014


These now 'legendary' recordings have been in Neil Young's possession in a vault somewhere (co-incidentally the exact same vault as Bob Dylan's basement tapes.) for 40 years. I was very excited to hear some of these 3+ hour performances that are now as much rock folk-lore as the size of Gene Simmons' wang. Unfortunately, these records are actually pretty damn boring. Put them back Neil. After you have finished hugging that tree of course.

Songs Of Innocence
[A-25 | R-12598]

Songs Of Innocence

Rock | Album | 9 September 2014


I remember the days fondly when I would be a first day buyer of U2 albums. Achtung Baby... Zooropa. even Pop. I was given this one for free thanks to a money-making (money-raking?) deal with Apple, and after a listen or two I begged them to take it back. 'The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)' is a pretty big opener, but then after that every track is the same boring old-man slow tempo. They have two options here - end it now and don't destroy your glory days any further - or return with something BIG. PLEASE.

Rainbow Bridge (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Reissue (2014)]
[A-129 | R-12625]

Jimi Hendrix
Rainbow Bridge (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Reissue (2014)]

Classic Rock | Album | 16 September 2014


Let me start first up - these aren't bad albums. In fact, this is the best of the songs he was working on at the time of his death, and the best 2 albums to be released in the early 70s. So why are the Dishonourable? The Experience Hendrix Company (his family) have made massive steps toward removing the long and messy history of posthumous released from 1971 onwards and replacing them with new 'authorised' versions. All tracks on these albums have been released since 1997 on proper albums and yet here we now see the original 2 albums that the family fought to remove from circulation back in production!!! Why? Sony are now distributing Hendrix product, and hazarding a guess - they wanted something on the shelves for Christmas. Thanks for tidying up the legacy, then muddying it up again.

The Cry Of Love [Reissue (2014)]
[A-129 | R-12626]

Jimi Hendrix
The Cry Of Love [Reissue (2014)]

Classic Rock | Compilation Album | 16 September 2014


Let me start first up - these aren't bad albums. In fact, this is the best of the songs he was working on at the time of his death, and the best 2 albums to be released in the early 70s. So why are the Dishonourable? The Experience Hendrix Company (his family) have made massive steps toward removing the long and messy history of posthumous released from 1971 onwards and replacing them with new 'authorised' versions. All tracks on these albums have been released since 1997 on proper albums and yet here we now see the original 2 albums that the family fought to remove from circulation back in production!!! Why? Sony are now distributing Hendrix product, and hazarding a guess - they wanted something on the shelves for Christmas. Thanks for tidying up the legacy, then muddying it up again.

[A-1214 | R-12623]


Alternative Rock | Album | 5 April 2014


Oh good - Godsmack have decided we need another U.S. yob-rock band. If I was to s#@$ in my hands and clap, I'd have more fun than listening to this.

mk's Rock Top 10


New Crown
[A-874 | R-12085]

New Crown

Hard Rock | Album | 24 March 2014


Who knows what Stockdale was up to with his 'I'm going my own way' solo announcement. Perhaps he realised the cash-cow he had under the Wolfmother name. In any case, it didn't take long for a Wolfmother release. On that, lets be honest this is what you would expect from a Wolfmother release, although perhaps a little more 70's laden guitar sound. His vox is quite similar. All up a good listen that shouldn't disappoint fans.


[A-685 | R-12613]


Alternative Rock | Album | 8 August 2014


A tough choice for 1st v 2nd. This could easily be number one. Am continually impressed at each record these guys put out. Very little in the way of a stock sound (but you can tell it's Shihad if that makes sense). So then you need to make a different sound interesting still to the fans, and these guys keep doing it time after time.


La Gargola
[A-171 | R-12134]

La Gargola

Alternative Rock | Album | 1 April 2014


Thankfully a return to form - the abrasive, in your face sound telling you they aren't happy with the world and they have something to say about it. Their 'slower' songs while I appreciate the need to calm things down every now and then, I don't particular appreciate. Thankfully this record isn't soaked with them, nor that very commercial sound they had on their last record.

mk's Rock Honourable Mentions

[A-1375 | R-12622]

Fu Manchu

Stoner Rock | Album | 29 April 2014


I was about to say this is a typical release you'd expect from these veterans of the sludge/stoner type sound. However listening further the tempo is much more upbeat. The sound of the buzzing guitars is there front and centre still with Hill providing his unique vocal style. You could do much worse that give this record a good listen.

Sonic Highways
[A-13 | R-12705]

Foo Fighters
Sonic Highways

Alternative Rock | Album | 10 November 2014


I get very nervous when I read song titles that end in 'Feat '. This aligns with today's pop stars that can't write or sing a song on their own so they pay someone else to 'Feat' in their song. Like 'Dr Dre feat Snoop Doggy position dog or whatever he is called these days'. In any case, I digress - the story behind this record is quite honourable of Grohl. He's pulled in musicians from every location visited and used inspiration from these locations in writing the record. Question is - does it make a good record? I hate to say it, but like every record they have released over the past 10 years (4 of them), it's not in the dishonourable bucket - it just is what I'd call safe music for the die-hard fans. It's not ground breaking and it's not catchy. It's STOCK!!

Out Among The Stars
[A-270 | R-12128]

Johnny Cash
Out Among The Stars

Country | Album | 24 March 2014


I won't be rude - this gets an honourable as it isn't all that bad. Call this a victory to you Guitarzan - I finally have listed a JC record in my top10 list. It's un-offensive, smart in his lyrics - a poet indeed.

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TheBigBlack's Metal Top 10


A Skeletal Domain
[A-322 | R-12604]

Cannibal Corpse
A Skeletal Domain

Death Metal | Album | 16 September 2014

This is the first Cannibal Corpse album in my 10 for a while from memory. Not much has changed - they are of course a band that rarely strays from their formula - but the songs are somewhat more accessible, and tempo varied. The riffs are distinct, and the vocals are up front and clean. I didn't pay much attention to the lyrics, but I am sure they are about raping, killing, and eating what you have raped and/or killed.


Constricting Rage Of The Merciless
[A-1622 | R-12087]

Constricting Rage Of The Merciless

Death Metal (Blackened) | Album | 8 July 2014

Goatwhore have outdone themselves on this one. Taking their template of blackened southern thrash/death or whatever the hell it is, they have perfected their style to create irresistible songs, without losing any of their trademark intensity. The performances are great. The production is perfect for the style. An all-round brilliant extreme metal album.


Grand Morbid Funeral
[A-133 | R-12693]

Grand Morbid Funeral

Death Metal | Album | 17 November 2014

Deep in the back of our minds, in a place that we put things we would like to forget, we find a dark memory of the last time Bloodbath released an album without Mikael Akerfeldt. It wasn't a pretty thing. To be honest, it sounded generic and tired, and mostly pointless. Peter Tagtgren is a death metal legend, but he just didn't have what it takes to propel the music. Here we are again taking another crack - this time with Nick Holmes of Paradise Lost. Not only has Holmes not loosened his pipes up for death metal for quite some years now, but he British dammit, not Swedish! But never fear - All is not lost - as this is one of the most amazingly listenable slabs of DM this year. The Entombed inspired buzz saw guitars are still present, and the vocals are absolutely exquisite.


[A-4492 | R-13154]


Thrash Metal | Album | 18 October 2014

The local boys have come through. This is a rip-snorting late 80s technical thrash album from start to finish. With more than just a little Slayer worship in places (listen to #479 for example...) and a bunch of others 80s influences throw in, the album pummels from start to finish and shows a maturity not usually seen amongst low cost independent releases.


[A-3622 | R-13257]


Progressive Metal | Album | 4 November 2014

I'm not sure what category you would even put this under - but I guess it is some kind of progressive metal? The musicianship is amazing, and the vocals are absolutely stellar - although a tad un-metal at times. Interesting that this features ex-Opeth alumni, as it sounds very old school Opeth at times - both musically and in voice (see Koniskas in particular). Don't let that fool you though, as this is an entirely different animal altogether.


Bled White
[A-496 | R-12443]

Novembers Doom
Bled White

Gothic Metal | Album | 15 July 2014

The last couple of Novembers Doom albums have been a bit 'heard it all before', but this one sets them right back on track. It is still distantly their sound (death/doom with occasional clean vocals), but this is just a lot catchier than the previous couple. Much like many other doom album, you do have to be in the mood though. As always the musicianship is amazing.


Melana Chasmata
[A-2618 | R-12137]

Melana Chasmata

Black Metal | Album | 14 April 2014

Tom once again reinvents himself and his music, but still manages to stay within the boundaries he has imposed on himself with the Celtic Frost / Triptykon legacy. As always, the darkness drips from these recordings in a way that many metal artists strive for (and fail to achieve) their whole careers. And you get the impression he writes this stuff in his sleep, he's so damn good at it. Be warned though - It is all at one plodding pace, so you have to be in the mood for this one.


Pale Communion
[A-75 | R-12571]

Pale Communion

Death Metal (Progressive) | Album | 26 August 2014

I love the direction Mikael is taking the band. Heritage was boasted as a throw-back 70s style prog-rock album - and although I heard lots of 70s I did hear much prog. Pale Communion fills that gap nicely. From the opening moments this sounds more like a King Crimson or ELP album than a former death metal band. The River is an amazing piece of Crosby / Stills / Nash, while Mike Oldfield shows up in other places. If this is the new normal, I can't wait to hear what comes next.


Blood In Blood Out
[A-348 | R-12614]

Blood In Blood Out

Thrash Metal | Album | 14 October 2014

Exodus starring Rob Dukes always felt like a next-best-thing to Exodus for me. His voice suited, but I didn't particularly like it, and he seemed to waste opportunities where he could have used some melody - instead just grunting like a Neanderthal who has invented fire (but isn't quite sure how to use it). The return of Souza made sense for many reasons - he is part of the 'classic' line-up, so it's his voice the fans want to hear. And I'm sure the bean counters at Nuclear Blast Records will verify that. This is certainly the first time I have been really excited about an Exodus album since 2004's Tempo Of The Damned.


Esoteric Warfare
[A-891 | R-12373]

Esoteric Warfare

Black Metal | Album | 6 June 2014

Mayhem really is a band of many faces. Each albums takes the band to new places, and 25 years after this very band started the genre they are known for - they are turning it upside down and setting new standards with every release. After the deliberately lo-fi production on the previous album this one is completely different and fresh sounding. Also gone are some of the more progressive and experimental song and vocal elements, making this more of standard black metal album, but performed with the technicalities and nuances only Mayhem can deliver. Mayhem delivers masterpiece after masterpiece.

TheBigBlack's Metal Honourable Mentions

Down IV, Part II
[A-1270 | R-12175]

Down IV, Part II

Metal (Sludge) | E.P. | 13 May 2014

I didn't like this quite as much as part I, and that could be due to the fact that Part I was so anticipated - but it is still a great (but over too fast) slab of sludgy swamp metal. These boys play the style better than anyone else, and let's hope they keep doing what they do for some years to come yet.

No Place For Disgrace 2014
[A-316 | R-11987]

Flotsam And Jetsam
No Place For Disgrace 2014

Thrash Metal | Album | 17 February 2014

Rerecording classic albums (for whatever reason) can be hit and miss, but this one is probably worthwhile. The original, although not terrible, had very dated early 1980s production, and this sort of upgrade reminded me how great these songs really were. Sadly, it also reminded me how far below these songs the band seems to set its current level of acceptable - making this a somewhat bitter-sweet meal.

Surgical Remission / Surplus Steel
[A-408 | R-12695]

Surgical Remission / Surplus Steel

Death Metal (Grindcore) | E.P. | 11 November 2014

Just left overs and b-sides from 2013's Surgical Steel. Having said that though, the quality is better than most albums out this year. There aren't many bands these days (especially ones that have been around for 30 years.) that can boast that sort of song writing quality.

TheBigBlack's Metal Dishonourable Mentions

The Ways Of Yore
[A-487 | R-12455]

The Ways Of Yore

Black Metal | Album | 4 June 2014

OK Varg - I understand you want to challenge your listeners musically, and this is really quite an intricate and detailed soundscape - but the name Burzum is legendary in extreme metal. All you have to do is a put a different name (such as a solo album) on this work, and I possibly would have enjoyed it more. You are becoming the Axl Rose of Black Metal. You are destroying your own legacy!

mk's Metal Top 10


Siren Charms
[A-285 | R-12610]

In Flames
Siren Charms

Death Metal (Melodic) | Album | 9 September 2014

I feel like I'll need to justify such an entry. I have not taken a great deal of interest in these guys until their previous 'playground' effort where they seemed to make a deliberate attempt to change their sound to a more 'acceptable' (no that doesn't mean radio friendly by any means) level. In any case, this follows on from that catchy effort which for some reason appeals to me. Think a Deftones like sound.


[A-3867 | R-12297]


Metal (Sludge) | Album | 7 May 2014

Do you enjoy some nasty steel filings in your weetbix and milk each morning? If not, go sit with your poser friends in a corner while they eat some 'smashed' avocado (seriously??). Listen up to this NOLA fans and tell me you don't like what the EHG guys are slaughtering your ears with? The first track is my only criticism in terms of sound. After that they return to what I'd expect. A brilliant record.


Constricting Rage Of The Merciless
[A-1622 | R-12087]

Constricting Rage Of The Merciless

Death Metal (Blackened) | Album | 8 July 2014

My innards always look forward to a good blackened death/thrash release. It has been a while between drinks on this front and thankfully Goatwhore have put their hand up to abuse my ears with their straight-up, no-messing-around release. I have to acknowledge the relief provided midway through where we encounter a slow-dirge, which while allowing you to take a breath for a brief moment, quickly pushes your head against a brick wall again to consume the remainder of the record (and a little bit of grit and cement between your teeth).


[A-736 | R-12312]

Body Count

Thrash Metal (Crossover) | Album | 10 June 2014

I can't tell you how happy I am to have these guys nudging the right bones in my body to stand up and listen to their work. Granted, we will never return to their debut effort, and I now accept that. This record sounds like a new band that has finally gelled after that terrible sophomore effort many moons ago. Ice-T is the same old with his vocals, and the music is tight, however this time, they haven't tipped over to the cheesy with their lyrics for the most part. I can appreciate that's a hard thing to understand when we go from songs like 'Evil Dick' on their debut to '99 problems and the bitch ain't one'. In any case, it's a thin tightrope to walk along. Thankfully they haven't tripped over. Bodycount's (still) in Da Howse!!


Til Endes
[A-131 | R-13705]

Til Endes

Black Metal | Album | 29 September 2014

I'm a big Khold fan so not surprising that you will see this in my top10. It has that typical vocal sound, however I must acknowledge that it has a more fast-paced, upbeat sound to this record than what you may expect. Look no further than the title track. While previous efforts have had a lot of that black-metal tarnished slow dirge to it, this one has an up-tempo for the most part which does take a bit of getting used to. Hey, it's been 6 years between drinks for them so I'm just glad that they are continuing on.


Melana Chasmata
[A-2618 | R-12137]

Melana Chasmata

Black Metal | Album | 14 April 2014

Yet again, the master that is Tom. G. Warrior, in all his leather jacket and beanie wearing glory continuing to show that there is life in this old dawg still. I was sad the day Celtic Frost ended, however the clouds parted with the announcement that the man wasn't finished. Tryptikon is the outgoing fountain of moody, delicate yet brutal brilliance we have come to know him for. I have to note that I think the debut was a better effort, yet don't let this distract your attention away from this release. It still carries that level of simplicity to a great extent with the sound, yet the delivery and production are crushingly brilliant all the same.


A Skeletal Domain
[A-322 | R-12604]

Cannibal Corpse
A Skeletal Domain

Death Metal | Album | 16 September 2014

FIRE UP THE CHAINSAW FUCKERS!! Corpsegrinder in the best form he has ever been in on the vox side. An intelligent, yet forever brutal musical assault and these guys are seriously close to their best form ever right now. THE standout Death Metal release by a long way (and there are plenty of them posing as a DM band these days).


Dissect, Molest, Ingest
[A-4623 | R-12019]

Dissect, Molest, Ingest

Death Metal | Album | 15 January 2014

Listen to this splatter-fans and do your best to tell me you don't like it. Be warned if you don't like it, there will be the need to spill your entrails over a sewer pipe and allow a bevy of insects to feast upon them. Brilliant!!


Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves
[A-3191 | R-12086]

Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves

Death Metal | Album | 1 April 2014

Dear God - how are these guys managing to pummel my face into a meat grinder after all these years!?!?! A meaty slab of death metal you might assume, however this has much more to it than that. Sure it's heavy, brutal and delivered at a frenetic pace that would see you crushing the likes of Usain Bolt over the finish line. But take a listen to the likes of 'After the Cutting'. Your body hurts - you're calling out to your mum and they oblige with an interlude of melody to give you time to catch your breath, and then it's on again.


Esoteric Warfare
[A-891 | R-12373]

Esoteric Warfare

Black Metal | Album | 6 June 2014

Sometimes when a record ends up being your favourite record of the year, there can be very little to say about it. This is one case where I'm speechless to a great extent. I don't need to tell you it's is Mayhem at its best. I don't need to tell you that Attila has produced his best recording ever. I don't need to tell you that the Mayhem sound is everything you'd expect and more. I don't need to tell you that a horse head will arrive at your door if you don't agree. Finally, I don't need to tell you to buy this record as anyone with an ounce of sense would have it in their collection already. Enough said (actually, that turned out to be more than I expected for having very little to say about the record).

mk's Metal Honourable Mentions

Triple Brutal
[A-2314 | R-10587]

Austrian Death Machine
Triple Brutal

Thrash Metal (Crossover) | Album | 1 April 2014

Let's be honest at this point about this 'concept'. While it is humorous to have the Arnie impersonations and commentary, for me there has always been a challenge to agree on the comedy and music mix. It's easy to side with the former and call it a great record. In the end however this is a metalcore band mixing their music with a comic idea. Too deep for you that analysis? Yes, well you can drop dead. If ever I was to like this music, it needs some comedy and this brings it. Pity this will be the last effort for quite some time (that's what happens when you get put in jail for murdering your wife). Mind you it isn't as good as other records (the comedy, so gets an honourable mention only.

Symmetry In Black
[A-1514 | R-12293]

Symmetry In Black

Metal (Sludge) | Album | 6 May 2014

I have to put these guys in my list somewhere. Unfortunately they don't make my 10 this time around. Not to say it is a disappointing release. If you are a Crowbar fan you will be more than satisfied. It just doesn't have anything standout on the record. Unlike NOLA brothers Eyehategod.

.5, The Gray Chapter
[A-388 | R-12633]

.5, The Gray Chapter

Nu Metal | Album | 21 October 2014

I did buy this unlistened as I thought it deserved it. Overall it doesn't have that cutting edge across the board so doesn't quite make my 10. I still can't help but feel that the band has been a little 'dumbed-down' with each band members side-projects. It seems forced in places to be aggressive and that mostly comes down to Corey's vox with some heavy hitting from Joey. Apart from that the samples stuff is mostly non-existent and the guitar work sounds like a aggressive Stonesour. I think in some ways their side projects have killed this band.

Catacombs Of The Black Vatican
[A-594 | R-12214]

Black Label Society
Catacombs Of The Black Vatican

Heavy Metal | Album | 7 April 2014

I'll start by saying I am disappointed this didn't make my non-metal top10 list when each year I struggle to get 10 records together. In all honesty I think this is a step backwards on previous releases. So why is it in my Honourable Mentions? Because I can't let go M'Kay!!!

mk's Metal Dishonourable Mentions

[A-368 | R-12696]

Cavalera Conspiracy

Thrash Metal | Album | 31 October 2014

Am I now listening to Napalm Death rip off? Seems a lot like it. After such a brilliant debut record, turning back the clock in some ways to the old Sep days, this record has the band chugging along at break-neck speed and Max doing his best Barney impersonation. Not happy Jan!!!

Pale Communion
[A-75 | R-12571]

Pale Communion

Death Metal (Progressive) | Album | 26 August 2014

Hey Frederik - when you signed up to this band did you think that you would progress to pumping out licks on your guitar that your 10 year old could handle? Nah, thought not. So why the hell would you hang around? Martin and his bass are the same as they always have been - we just get to hear more of him. Ax has nothing else on since Witchery aren't paying his bills. Don't get me started on the self-important nut on the ivory - at least the other one had a cool moustache. Now, I think there is someone else in this band, umm I think he is from Sweden. Maybe it's Bjorn or could be Benny. In any case I place this person solely responsible for two things. Firstly he is responsible for getting me interested with a passion again in heavy metal music through Blackwater Park in early 2000's. For that I am forever grateful. He is now unfortunately responsible for turning the band I would die for previously into a pompous pile of wank. I'm all for following your dreams and I can't deny him that want, however it's just a major disappointment for me unfortunately. I need to go listen to some new Blink 182 or something - only that shit would make me cry more that I currently am.

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