Equipment & Accessories

Dungeon Master's Guild

First Published 8 February 2019

Dungeon Master's Guild

The Dungeon Master's Guild (or DMs Guild) is a website that allows you to create content (adventures, locations, creatures, character classes, archetypes, and backgrounds, etc.) using Wizards Of The Coast intellectual property, and to possibly make some money while you’re at it. Your work might even be noticed by the official Dungeons & Dragons team, who occasionally select writers from the DMs Guild for official products and the DMs Guild Adept program. Guild Adept content is advertised as 'semi-official' add-ons to the official products.

For D&D 5th edition content is only allowed (at this stage) to be added for currently supported worlds, so the majority of content is The Forgotten Realms, although Eberron and Ravnica have recently been added.

You can access the Dungeon Master's Guild here.

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