Races & Creatures


First Published 30 April 2016
This article is relative to all worlds of The Multiverse.


A humanoid skeleton

Medium undead, evil

Skeletons are undead animated corpses similar to zombies, but are completely devoid of flesh and do not feed on the living. They can be made from virtually any solid creature, and as such their size and power varies widely.

In addition to the basic humanoid skeleton, there are also skeletons created from wolves, trolls, ettins, and even giants. Animated skeletons are immune to mind affecting spells; they cannot be rendered unconscious and cannot tire. Clerics often have the ability to repel or destroy undead creatures, of which animated skeletons are usually the weakest such adversaries.

Edged and piercing weapons, such as swords and arrows, are mostly ineffective against skeletons; only blunt weapons, such as warhammers, are effective at knocking the bones apart.

The necromantic spell Animate Dead allows a caster to create skeletons.

In Battle

More information on Skeletons can be found on pages 272 of the 5e Monster Manual.

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