Equipment & Accessories

Sage Advice

First Published 7 May 2017 | Last Updated 10 February 2020

Sage Advice

Since the earliest days of D&D players and DMs have had questions about how the game mechanics work. Could Minor Illusion create a fog cloud? Can permanent magical effects be dispelled? If a wizard casts a spell like Fireball during a surprise round, do the enemies get disadvantage on their saving throw? To assist with these questions the good people that run the D&D franchise have offered Sage Advice to players and DMs alike. In the early days of the TSR company it was via a column in Dragon Magazine. It eventually moved to the PDF version of the magazine published during the 4th edition years, but these days with Dragon Magazine defunct in its original form the answers are provided on the Wizards Of The Coast website.

Every month Lead Designers Jeremy Crawford and Mike Mearls answer questions sent in by players. You could think of these answers as an extension of the official rulebooks, and sometimes they even publish rule errata.

Sage Advice has been on hold for the last few months due to the increase in the Unearthed Arcana articles published, but Mike recently announced that the regular answers are due to start again anytime now.

You can find the latest Sage Advice here on the official D&D website.

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