Lands & Locations

Conyberry Ruins

First Published 10 August 2016 | Last Updated 18 March 2018
This article is relative to the world of Toril.


Conyberry's location
[click the image to enlarge]

Conyberry was once a small village that was sheltered within the forest edges and nestled in hills on the edge of The Dessarin Valley. It consisted of a dozen or so houses clustered on the east side of the Neverwinter Wood. The adjoining homesteads spread out to the east and south, divided by a small cart track leading to Triboar. Folk in Conyberry cut trees from the Conyberry Wood as needed and hunted on the fringes of the forest, snaring rabbits and growing crops to feed themselves. They also sought trade with any travellers who came through the area.

The village was famous for the magical grove which was home to the legendary elven banshee named Agatha. The whole area was unfortunately sacked by barbarians sometime after The Spellplague, and the town is now left in ruins.

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