Lands & Locations


First Published 5 April 2024 | Last Updated 4 July 2024
This article is relative to the world of Oerth.

Saltmarsh is perched on the Western coast of the Azure Sea. It's a sleepy fishing town of around 1,000 residents. Remote though it might be from the centre of power in the capital of Keoland, it is still entering a new phase as it reacts to the recent plans of the king, Kimbertos Skotti. The crown's agents want to expand the village's port and make it a prime location for trade with the world beyond, putting stain on local politics and relations.

Saltmarsh Docks

For several generations, Keoland was a formidable military power. Its superior cavalry and bold knights pushed the kingdom's borders outward to the north, west, and east. Each successful campaign increased both the crown's wealth and power, and each one in turn drew the kingdom's attention even farther north. The southern coastal regions of Keoland (where Saltmarsh is situated) remained a backwater. The crown's benign neglect allowed piracy and banditry to flourish. Saltmarsh and similar towns kept to fishing, content to maintain a low profile and avoid governmental entanglements. Decades ago, the pirates who prowled the waters off the coasts of the region grew strong enough to create their own realm, a loose confederacy known as The Hold Of The Sea Princes, whose lands once lay to the south of Saltmarsh. With the rise of that nation came increased raids on Saltmarsh and its near neighbours. The Sea Princes' raiding ships pillaged the coast for more slaves to support their growing realm, and Saltmarsh suffered heavily. Over time, Keoland's victories in the north gave way to a string of defeats in which its neighbours pushed the kingdom back to its original boundaries. With the world closing in, King Kimbertos Skotti looked to the south and saw unchecked banditry and a rising pirate nation. The crown eventually struck peace treaties with its former foes to the north, raised a navy, and dealt a sharp check to the ambitions of The Sea Princes.

The conflict between The Sea Princes and the king is by no means over yet. King Skotti has decreed that the pirates must be put down, the sea lanes secured, and trade cultivated. If Keoland cannot prosper as a military force, it must grow mightier as a centre of trade. With many locals losing friends and family to the pirates over the years, the locals' hatred of The Sea Princes runs deep.

In another associated recent development, a band of dwarves bearing a decree from the king himself have arrived and begun to excavate the hills and seaside cliffs near town, looking for precious metals. If their work bears fruit as expected the mine stands to become a major factor in the village's - and indeed, the entire region's - prosperity.

People & Locations

Like most of the region, the majority of residents of Saltmarsh are human. The occasional elf, dwarf, or halfling can be seen around town, and draw no special attention. Races like dragonborn or tiefling on the other hand will drawn a mixture of curiosity and fear, as many have never seen such races.

Saltmarsh Map

[click the image to enlarge]

Factions Of The Region

It is no secret that the people of the entire coastal region are divided by the recent events. Two factions represent the opposing sentiments that have grown in the area in recent years. These factions' struggles play out in the day-to-day lives of townsfolk and the political manoeuvring of the Saltmarsh elite.

The Traditionalists

The traditionalist faction is an alliance of the prominent fishing families and merchants in town, along with the workers who rely on those industries for a living. The traditionalists remember the terrible times during The Sea Princes' raids, and have no desire to see the crown's ambitions lead to open war.

The Loyalists

The loyalists consist of newcomers who arrived from the northern reaches of Keoland, loyal to King Kimbertos Skotti. They feel that the town should focus on becoming a useful asset to the crown and value the good of the kingdom before the good of the region. The town guard, the dwarves, and the local farmers are generally loyalists.


The Town Council

The Saltmarsh Town Council is made up of locals and crown appointed members, making it a volatile mix of both Traditionalists and Loyalists together.

Eda Oweland

Eda Oweland

Eda is a Saltmarsh local, and the current senior member of the Town Council. She is a gruff, pragmatic woman with greying hair and a face that bears the marks of a life lived outdoors.

Gellen Primewater

Gellen Primewater

Gellan is a well-spoken Saltmarsh local, and dapper older gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard and a fancy wardrobe. He holds a seat on the Town Council, and with his jolly demeaner tends to try to lighten heated situations.

Anders Solmar

Anders Solmar

Locals note that Anders is the youngest person ever to be voted onto the Town Council, but based on how the other councillors treat him this appears to be worth nothing. He is young and good looking, and has clearly not really earned his place here, instead using his family name to increase his status around town.

Eliander Fireborn

Eliander Fireborn

Eliander is the gruff head of the town guard, and holds a crown appointed seat on the Town Council. The orders of the king are clearly his priority. Although he is an older man, he is still quite an imposing figure that seems like he could hold his own in a fight. He appears to walk with a slight limp.


Other Saltmarsh Residents / Locations

The Wicker Goat / Lankus Kurrid

The Wicker Goat is not only the first tavern many visitors to Saltmarsh come across, it is also obviously the oldest. The walls show signs of very old construction, and the tavern has clearly stood since days long past. The place is owned and run by Lankus Kurrid, an aging, well-spoken gentleman who will share a story about his time in the Koeish army with anyone interested in listening. Being the classiest of the watering holes in the area the tavern doesn't get much riff-raff clientele, but many of the dwarves from the new mines can often be found here passing their time. There are rooms available for rent, but they'll cost a steep 5gp a night.

Lankus Kurrid


Manistrad Copperlocks

Manistrad Copperlocks

Manistrad is a dwarf who runs the crown owner mining operation to the East of Saltmarsh. She speaks with iron-clad resolve, and seems like outsiders would not be allowed into her life without great scrutiny. She also seems to speak about the locals with just a little condescension. Outside work hours her favourite place to be is The Wicker Goat tavern, where many of the dwarven miners congregate.


The Snapping Line / Hanna Rist

The Snapping Line seems to be the town's most popular inn and tavern. It is built from the planks and hulls of old fishing boats, and its decor is predictably nautical in theme. The sleeping rooms are plain but comfortable renditions of a ship's cabins, and can be rented for 2gp per night. The smell of fish has never been properly scrubbed from the planks, and staying the night leaves belongings steeped in the scent. The Snapping Line is run by a lovely young woman named Hanna Rist, who comes from a family of some repute in the region. Hanna makes a spirit from lobster meat and potatoes called Claw Wine. It is, to put it mildly, an acquired taste.

Hanna Rist


Empty Net / Kreb Shenker

Partially supported by rickety stilts driven into the harbor waters. the Empty Net is clearly the place to go for a cheap drink, and even cheaper company. The owner, Kreb Shenker, quickly takes coin from anyone, and just as quickly ejects anyone causing trouble - sometimes even over the railing into the harbour. There are rooms here for a mere 8sp a night, but staying the night will likely cost way more in the long run.

Kreb Shenker


Winston's Store / Winston

Winston's Store is (unsurprisingly) run by Winston, a halfling that seems not very trusting and even less trustworthy. He claims to sell 'solid goods are honest prices', and to know a fair bit about the wilds in the surrounding regions. He also seems to be close to Krag the gravedigger.



Saltmarsh Cemetery / Krag

The town's cemetery appears well-kept, but many of its graves are little more than memorial stones laid for those who died at sea. Krag, a talkative half-orc, is the town gravedigger, as well as something of a self professed town historian and local loremaster. He claims to have conducted research into the more important folk buried here and events in the local region, and seems keen to talk about it with anyone who will listen.



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