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For Week Ending:
17 August 2024


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Heavy Metal Wraiths

Morgul Blade - Heavy Metal Wraiths (2024)

[Heavy Metal]


Rating - 3 Stars

Describing Heavy Metal Wraiths beyond 'it is heavy metal' is difficult. The album runs through a blend of styles ranging from traditional to blackened thrash, but not in a smooth transition. The album opens with the Saxon-like 'Eagle Strike', before 'Beneath The Black Sails' continues the 1980s style metal, but it isn't until track 3 'Heavy Metal Wraiths' that the band really winds itself up to show us what it is capable of. 'Frostwyrm Cavalry' launches into a frenzy of drums and guitars which feels like the album is finally finding its stride. The vocals are a gravely black metal snarl, but aren't over the top, blending nicely with the music, and the crisp production give the music a razor sharp edge. Mid-way the band heads into an Enya style vocal chorus named 'Widow's Lament', but it only really serves as a short intro to the next track. 'A Welcoming Hearth' serves a similar purpose, but is an odd orchestrated piece. The album even closes with one of these interludes called 'The Last In A Line Of Kings'. All in all it is a bit of a disjointed listen, that feels like it could have been improved a lot with some tweaks to the track order to pace things better. The songs are all good, but they don't flow to each other particularly well, and the second half of the album feels stronger than the first, with a track like 'Razor Sharp' feeling like it should have been right up front. Regardless though, it has enough intrigue to keep the listener coming back for repeat listens, even if it is slightly underwhelming each time.

Arist Information
Morgul Blade is a heavy metal band formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. in 2018. Morgul-blades, also called "Morgul-knives", were magical and poisonous daggers used by Ringwraiths in JRR Tolkien's fantasy universe.

Release Information
'Heavy Metal Wraiths' is the second studio album by Morgul Blade.


Elect The Dead

Serj Tankian - Elect The Dead (2007)



Rating - 4 Stars

We all know Serj as being a founding member of one the biggest Alt/New Metal bands in the late 1990's into the early 2000's. With all the hiatus talk about the band (one minute off then on etc), Serj spent a lot of time in his new country of abode - New Zealand - to continue his creative nature and also continuing to sing about society issues and challenges. It would be obvious to expect a similar sound to SOAD, given the popularity. You could draw this bow in some points. For example the title track was written with SOAD but left on the scrap heap. There is no mistaking Serj's unique vox and so you will see that quirkiness if I can it that, through this album. While might suggest that a verse which repeats the same line before the chorus (and sometimes the other way around), is a lack of thought and talent, for Serj, it just works, leaving the likes of 'The Unthinking Majority' in your head. 'Elect The Dead' has all tempos considered. From the opener 'Empty Walls' to what is perhaps is Serj's revision of a ballad in 'Saving Us'. Other highlights includes Serj's sarcasm in 'Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition'. I will admit the first half of the record is easy to engage with and love. The remainder does take some time to soak in, but it is worth it.

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