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For Week Ending:
14 September 2024


Mad Season Logo


Mad Season - Above (1995)

[Grunge Rock]


Rating - 4 Stars

It could be said that a grunge supergroup formed by musicians that met in rehab is doomed to fail, but it did seem for a fleeting moment that Mad Season wouldn't be a casualty. Guitarist Mike McCready of Pearl Jam met bassist John Baker Saunders of The Walkabouts while seeking treatment, and once back on their feet they began to jam with drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees. Rounding out the line-up on vocals was Layne Staley of Alice In Chains, himself recently clean. 'Wake up' opens the album in a mellow and sleepy way, not with the expected bombast of the sum of the band's parts. A vibraphone drives the songs until the magnificent climaxing guitar solo. Arguably, Staley is at his absolute best here, possibly finding a new appreciation for music as a post-rehab outlet. His voice is like the edge of a razor, slicing through the atmosphere. Although the album wonderfully showcases the vocals, it is also reminds the listener what an amazing guitarist Mike McCready is, as his warbling psychedelic guitar drives each song. He has no second guitar to compete with here as he does in his primary band, allowing him room to leave space and time his notes wonderfully. His guitar cuts the silence opening into 'X-Ray Mind', and the music now starts to sound like what one would expect from these musicians. The album ducks and weaves through multiple styles and tempos, with every song taking the listener on a different journey. This can often be a jarring listening experience, but for the most part the album manages to avoid alienating any ears. Moving between the classic rock balladry of 'River Of Deceit', an undeniable modern rock masterpiece, the album moves onto the soulful (but heavy) 'I'm Above' featuring the first song with the crooning guest vocals of Screaming Trees' Mark Lanegan. 'Artificial Red' showcases some classic blues, while 'I Don't Know Anything', easily the most 'grunge' of the tracks on display, grinds its way toward the album's final moments. Lanegan reappears and is showcased on the jazz infused 'Long Gone Day'. Although the moody and lengthy instrumental 'November Hotel' has some very loud moments, the album slows down toward the end, and closes with the quietly performed 'All Alone' wrapping things up nicely. It isn't an album that reveals it's magic easily, and it takes a number of listens to unravel it's many layers. Sadly, this was to be the band's only album, and forever will be, as both Staley and Saunders were both later taken from us by their addictions.

Arist Information
Mad Season was an American rock supergroup formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene. The band's principal members included guitarist Mike McCready of Pearl Jam, lead singer Layne Staley of Alice In Chains, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees, and bassist John Baker Saunders. The band released only one album, 'Above', in March 1995. It was certified a gold record by the RIAA in June. The band went on a semi-permanent hiatus in 1996 due to the band members' conflicting schedules and Staley's problems with substance abuse. Attempts were made in the late 1990s to revive the group with Screaming Trees frontman Mark Lanegan instead of Staley, and material for a follow-up release to Above had been worked on. The band permanently dissolved in 1999 following the death of bassist John Baker Saunders from a drug overdose. Staley would also die from an overdose three years later. Martin and McCready have since made two short partial reunions, one in 2012 and one from 2014 to 2015.

Release Information
'Above' is the only studio album by Mad Season. It peaked at No. 24 on the Billboard 200 chart. The album has been certified gold by the RIAA in the United States. Layne Staley created the artwork on the album cover and inside the inlay.


Khold Logo


Khold - Krek (2005)

[Black Metal]


Rating - 3 Stars

I have the Oracle of TheBigBlack introducing me to the evil and hatred that is Krek. In the early 2000's I was late on the scene of Norwegian Black Metal and it was the likes of Mayhem, Darkthrone and Satyricon that all were realising at the time, I discover less unknown bands like Carpathian Forest and Khold. Krek is their 4th release in 5 years, certainly making the most of the creatives juices at the time. Krek in particular has stuck with me. The title track kicks it all off with no bullshit introductions. Rather straight into the fast-paced, destroying guitar sound and growing vocals that pretty much is a warning. Get in quick or get the fuck out, and once you are in, hold the fuck on as you ain't leaving anytime soon. And here is the first example of why I love this particular release as 2 minutes later we jump onto the next moving train where we are met with a really cool, can I say that?, black and roll effort. The only thing I do miss is the vocals are in Norwegian the whole way through, so not being able to sing to it. Might take me bit to learn lyrics that include words like a dodd and blek and derpe in them. Other highlights are 'Oskorei', a slow paced but still vocal fearing track, which is the template of a few more tracks, and 'Lysets Flukt'. Gard has a very unique vocal style, and the rest of the band provide the perfect support. I best comment on Sarke the drummer, not just because of being a fan in general, but if you look at him when playing live, he looks ready to slay all of us with his corpse paint and the thought of this guy just escaping from prison to play this gig. Interestingly there is a non-playing member of the band, Hilde, with is their female lyricist. She has written lyrics for all of their releases. The band has released 4 more albums since Krek, most recently in 2024.

Arist Information
Khold is a Norwegian black metal band formed in Oslo in 2000 after the split-up of Tulus. The band plays mid-paced black metal.

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