
How do I create a Character?

First Published 11 February 2019 | Last Updated 24 May 2021

Character Sheet

Your character lives and breaths on a piece of paper in front of you. This is known as your character sheet. You will need one of these to create your character. They are available to download for free. I have plenty of these available, so no need to download one of your own.

At our first session character creation will take a while, but it is actually pretty simple. This is just a quick guide on what we will do so you get the general idea. We'll roll your character up properly when we start playing.

First up, you'll need to get your ability scores. These are the attributes that make your character unique to any other.

Abilities are -

Have a think about which of these abilities are most important to you, and write them down in order of preference on the paper with your race and class.

When we start playing you will have these stats randomly generated (using your polyhedral dice set).

Something else important is that your character needs an alignment. An alignment is way that your character has chosen to live. For example, are they good and always willing to help others, or are the evil and like to watch others suffer? There are actually nine different alignments to choose from ranging from lawful good (someone like a sheriff), through to true neutral (not a bad person, but puts themselves before anyone else), right up chaotic evil (the most wicked person you will ever meet!). I don't allow any characters to have an evil alignment. Evil characters only do evil things after all, and working with a group of nice characters to find treasure or kill a beastie would be very unlikely.

Have a think about what sort of person your character is. Are they good, but don't mind stealing from the rich? Are the lawful, so will punish any law breakers? Are they just an average person trying to get by?

Make a note on your paper of the type of alignment your character has.

Now you can choose a heap of other attributes - What gender are you? What age are you? A really important one - What is your name? What is an interesting back story of how you came to be where you now are?

Note all these things on your paper. Believe it or not, you are well on your way to having a character sheet.

< What are Races and Classes? | What equipment is my Character carrying? >

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