Races & Creatures


First Published 20 August 2016
This article is relative to the world of Toril.


Medium humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil

Hobgoblins belong to the goblinoid family. They are often found lording over their cousins, the smaller goblins and the ferocious bugbears, as they are larger and far superior (both physically and intellectually) to both.

A hobgoblin measures virtue by physical strength and martial prowess, caring about nothing except the opportunity to demonstrate skill and cunning in battle. Hobgoblins of high military rank attain their positions by force, then hold those positions by imposing authority through draconian measures.

Hobgoblins train to fight with a variety of weapons, and have great skill at crafting arms, armor, siege engines, and other military devices. Organized and disciplined, they take exceptional care of their weapons, armor, and personal possessions. They favour the bold colours associated with their tribes, and trim their often-elaborate uniforms with blood-red piping and leather dyed black.

Hobgoblins organize themselves into tribal bands known as legions. Legions often supplement their ranks with less reliable and more expendable troops, including goblins, bugbears, orcs, evil humans, ogres, and giants.

Hobgoblins hate elves and attack them first in battle over any other opponents, even if doing so would be a tactical error.

Hobgoblin Warlords

In their martial society, every hobgoblin has a rank, from the powerful leaders and champions, to the rank-and-file foot soldiers, to the goblins that find themselves driven into the front lines at spear point. A legion is headed by a warlord with several captains serving under its command. A hobgoblin warlord is a ruthless tyrant more interested in strategy, victory, glory, reputation, and dominion than leading troops into battle.

Hobgoblin Warlord

In Battle

More information on Hobgoblins can be found on page 185 of the 5e Monster Manual.

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