Lands & Locations


First Published 21 May 2016 | Last Updated 1 January 2023
This article is relative to the world of Toril.


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The town of Phandalin was nestled at the foot of The Sword Mountains, just south of Neverwinter. The town was built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago (in 951 DR) the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly allied with neighbouring dwarves and gnomes. Then an orc horde swept through the area and laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries.

Settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep eventaully begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. The new settlement was home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of The Sword Mountains.

The town consisted of forty or so simple log buildings. Crumbling stone ruins surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. It had no walls and no garrison, but most of the adults kept weapons within easy reach in case the need for arms arose. Visitors were welcome here, particularly if they had coin to spend or news to share.

Although Townmaster Harbin Wester played it down, the town was terrorized by a group of racketeering thugs that referred to themselves as 'The Redbrands'. Not much was known about the group, including why they had come to Phandalin.

People & Locations

Barthen's Provisions

Elmar Barthen was proprietor of Barthen's Provisions, the first store found when arriving in town by The Northern Road. The store carried a range of regular goods and supplies, but no weapons or armor. If Barthen wasn't available, one of his assistants Ander or Thistle were usually there to help out.

The Stonehill Inn

About halfway to the centre of town is The Stonehill Inn. The modest, two-story roadhouse had six rooms for rent on the upper floor. A bed for the night costs 5sp, while a meal costs 1sp. A family business, the inn was run by Toblen Stonehill, with his wife Trilene, and their young son Pip. Travellers have said that the family was very personable, although barmaid Elsa can get a little 'handsy'. Local fixtures Narth and Lanar apparently also have a tale or two to tell if you found them in-situ at the bar.

The Townmaster's Hall

The Phandalin Townmaster's Hall was in the centre of town. It had sturdy stone walls, a pitched wooden roof, and a bell tower at the back. The Job Board next to the front door was great way for visitors passing through to make a few extra coins. Townmaster Harbin Wester was the elected town governor. He was straight to the point in his dealings, but many felt his actions in governing the town were often inadequate. Some locals even referred to him as 'cowardly'. The offices of the Phandalin Treasurer were also found at The Townmaster's Hall.

Lionshield Coster

In a prime location in the town centre was the Lionshield Coster. Hanging above the front door of this modest trading post was the familiar sign shaped like a wooden shield with a blue lion painted on it. Run by Linene Greywind, the store stocked a range of items that were usually carried under the Lionshield brand. Weapons and armor were available, but only on request.

Mrs. Doughurtie's

Like most towns of a decent size in The North there was an outlet of Mrs. Doughurtie's Pies. Visitors popped in when keen for a cat pie. The Zesty Pussy was particularly popular.

The Phandalin Miner's Exchange

The Phandalin Miner's Exchange was available on The Southern Road out of town. Miners and prospectors came here when they wished to stake a claim or weigh in on a find. Halia Thornton was always happy to lend a hand with valuing finds, although many have said her valuations were usually a bit less than expected.

The Shrine Of Luck

If you were looking to have a quick prayer or two when in town you could have visited The Shrine Of Luck, maintained by Sister Garaele. The shrine was dedicated to Tymora, the goddess of luck and good fortune.

Tresendar Manor

Tresendar Manor stood at the east edge of town on a low hillside amid woods and thickets. In it's heyday it was really more a castle than a house, and was home to the legendary knight Sir Aldith Tresendar. Once the Tresendar family was just a memory the ancient manor become abandoned, and stood in ruins. Locals stayed away, as many believed all sorts of unsavoury creatures inhabited the sprawling basements.

The Sleeping Giant Tap House

On the far side of town, on the road to the ruins of the old Tresendar Manor was The Sleeping Giant Tap House. Visitors dropped by to have a pint of mead, and a chat with Grista the barmaid. The tavern was owned by the famous adventuring group The Variegated Blades. Tourists sometimes hung out there hoping to catch a glimpse of one of them, but they were seldom seen in these parts.

Edermath Orchards

On the western side of town was Edermath Orchards, renowned locally for it's apples. It was run by Daran Edermath, a retired adventurer that was rumoured to have once served as a herald and marshal in the lands of The Dragon Coast, far to the south east.

Alderleaf Farms

Qelline Alderleaf was a halfling that ran the Alderleaf Farm, and was also known as the town gossip. She seemed to always know what was going on in Phandalin, and her son Carp was possibly the reason why. He was often seen around town annoying anyone he saw. His mother said he was 'spirited', but most town-folk preferred the term 'precocious'.

Recent Events

Flamerule 23 1490

The Variegated Blades raided the basements of the Tresendar Manor looking for the base of operations for the mercenary group The Redbrands. They not only eliminated the Redbrand threat, but also discovered Iarno Albrek, a local sheriff that had been missing for some time. He was using the alias 'Glasstaff', and was leader of The Redbrands.


Eleasis 5 1490

The Variegated Blades discovered a dungeon complex under The Stonehill Inn. It is not known who built the ancient dungeons, but members of The Cult Of The Dragon were found consorting with kobolds in the dark tunnels. They cleared the complex out.


Eleasis 13 1490

The Variegated Blades took ownership of The Sleeping Giant Taphouse on the south side of town as a thank you gift from The Rockseeker Brothers. The Blades had recently liberated the legendary Wave Echo Cave from members of The Cult Of The Dragon.

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