Tales & Myths

Waterdeep, Dragon Heist - Chapter 3 (Fireball)

First Published 12 July 2021 | Last Updated 2 February 2022
This article is relative to the world of Toril.

Waterdeep, Dragon Heist

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World Date: 8 Ches 1492
Session Date: 1 January 2021

Ches 8 1492

Heading back through the marketplace toward the opera Elvira noticed Yim. They called to her, and filled her in on what had happened since they saw her last. Excited about the chance to go to the opera with them, she asked them to accompany her back to the tailor. He had closed up by the time they returned, but they could see him cleaning up inside. They knocked on the door, and when he opened it they begged him to make them just one more garment. Not long after he was one gold coin richer, and Yim owned a lovely green formal dress. For a second time they headed off toward the theater.

When they arrived at The Lightsinger Theater a large crowd was gathered out front. They assumed it was a queue, but quickly realised there was some sort of event occurring. A large item stood in the plaza out front, but was covered. A nobleman of some type stood on a platform at a dais. "...so it gives me great pleasure to unveil this tribute, as without The Variegated Blades none of us would be here today!". With that, the cloth was yanked free and a large statue was unveiled. The crowd clapped, and the group saw a statue of five people - a halfling, two elves, a human, and a dwarf. A plaque at the base proudly read 'The Variegated Blades - Defenders Of The Sword Coast'. A large pigeon landed on one of the elves - a drow spellcaster it appeared - and emptied it's bowels. Elvira chuckled. They all looked at each other and shrugged. None of them had heard much of The Variegated Blades, but believed they were something to do with The Battle Of Tiamat - which clearly tied in nicely with the opera they were about to watch.

The doors opened and the large crowd flooded into the foyer. As it dissipated into the theater proper the group followed, and eventually found their seats, which were dreadfully placed - way up the back and behind a roof support pole. The opera of The Battle Of Tiamat started and they watched on in utter delight as the singing began, as none of them had ever actually been to a show of this class and quality before. Their joy however slowly turned to boredom, as the performance was entirely sung in giant - and the first segment dragged on for a full three hours before it finally paused for a short intermission.

They headed outside to get some air and to wake up a bit. As they stood mumbling quietly about how agonising the show was to sit through, they listened as others around them commented on how amazing it was. Some even commented that this may just be the greatest show they had ever seen. Freyr lit a pipe of tobacco and began to puff when their conversation was halted. A man quietly interrupted and said that they were required back in the theater. They followed him, and he lead them up some stairs until they arrived in a private booth way above the theater floor where they had been seated. A large well-dressed man sat in the booth alone, and an aide stood on either side of him. He waved the aides away, handing a note to one of them as they left, and then ushered the group in.

The man introduced himself as Mirt, and although the group didn't know him they did recognise his name as a noble of repute within the city. He had heard through his network that they had found Reanar Neverember, and had done a very adequate job of doing so. He went on to explain that he was a high ranking member of The Harpers and was looking to recruit if they were interested. They said that they certainly were very keen, so he advised that someone would visit them soon with further information. They thanked him, and he asked them to leave as the second half of the amazing opera was about to begin.

With very little conversation they all agreed that they would not stay for the second half, and headed out into the cold night air. A little way down the road they heard someone calling to them. It was one of the aides that they had seen with Mirt. He silently passed them a note, then headed back toward the theater. The note contained a set of instructions.

Dear new recruits.

Before you can become a full member of our organisation, you must first complete a simple mission to prove that

  1. you are aligned with our values, and
  2. you are willing to do whatever is asked of you.

You mission should be simple.

We hear that the Zhents are building gangs in The Field Ward to attack suspected Xanathar Guild members. Fights are breaking out in the ward's marketplace daily. Stop a fight before it happens. We need to send a message to these thugs that further altercations won't be tolerated. You are not to cause any serious harm, just let them see who is now in charge - and remember not to bring any unwanted attention to your actions, or you will be disavowed. Once this job is satisfactorily completed you will be contacted regarding your full membership.


They headed back to Trollskull Manor, quite excited about the next day and what it may turn out like. When they arrived Percival pointed out a strange message had been written in the dust on the bar. "Closing Time" it read. Elvira said "What do we make of this?". Yim replied "We should probably do some dusting?".

Ches 9 1492

The next morning the party was up bright and early, and made their way toward the markets in The Field Ward. The ward wasn't somewhere they would usually go, as it could prove to be dangerous if you didn't have your wits about you. After asking directions a couple of times they came across the market square. It wasn't particularly busy, but what did stand out immediately was a group of thugs sitting on an old stage in the centre. Freyr said that they looked like Zhents based on their black and dark green outfits. They hung around the markets, looking through the stalls, and keeping a casual eye on the group on the stage.

About an hour or so later another group entered the market square, and the party could immediately feel the tension in the air. Shopkeepers closed up stalls or moved their produce indoors.  The two groups met in the middle of the square and after a few words were exchanged a bit of push and shove began. Even though there were only ten or so people between the two gangs, the party knew they were still outnumbered - but they also knew this was test that they needed to pass. "Move on. We are here representing a very prominent group in the region, and are letting you know this behaviour won't be tolerated anymore." Elvira said. The two gangs laughed at her. Before anyone else could say a word she had dived at the first of the gang members, and slashed with her sword. The rest of the party dashed in, and Yim and Whistlejob immediately joined the melee. Percival and Freyr tried to break up the fight. "We aren't supposed to be drawing attention!" Percival shouted. At that moment Elvira cut the thug down, and as he hit the ground in a pool of blood she remembered they were only supposed to be breaking up fights and letting the two sides know that this behaviour wouldn't be tolerated. She looked around and saw every shopkeeper and market patron staring at her, and knew she had to disappear. Yim held off two assailants and said "Go and hide. I think we are about to be in real trouble here." She headed down an alleyway between two stalls and quickly turned her clothes inside out and covered her face.

The party were in too deep to back out now, and an all-out brawl had started between the three groups. Using his city watch training Percival knew how to knock out people, whilst doing little harm, and took out two attackers very easily. At that moment an almighty cry of 'GRIFFON!" came out of the rabble, and the thugs from both sides began to scatter. Three lay dead on the ground and Whistlejob and Yim turned to run as the griffon and it's city guard rider descended from above. The Waterdeep Griffon Riders were the most elite of any city guard units, so the party knew they were in deep trouble. Percival looked back and realised Freyr was still there, and showed no signs of leaving. "Quickly! Let's go!" he called to him, but Freyr only responded "No. I must stand and take my punishment. I will not obstruct the law." The halfling knew there was no point arguing with him, and ran off to find the others.

When the Griffon Guard landed Freyr was immediately arrested, and explained what had happened (leaving out the part about him being recruited by The Harpers). A squad a city watch arrived not long after, and escorted the paladin away as the others watched on from behind a market stall. They knew there was nothing they could do to help. They left the location as quickly and stealthily as they could, and didn't stop for breath until they were well away from the scene. After finding a place to sit and debrief they discussed what they could do to help their friend. They knew that under the city's Code Legal, at best he would end up imprisoned for possibly up to ten years, and would definitely have to pay the victim's family massive damages. They were also well aware that worst case scenario was he would be executed. They eventually came up with a plan. Mirt, the man they had met at the opera, was a well-known nobleman. Elvira would ask around in The Castle Ward to see if anyone knew where he lived. If she could find his house, she would ask him for assistance. Percival would head to the city watch-house to see if he could convince anyone he knew there to possibly let Freyr go. Yim and Whistlejob would head back to The Yawning Portal to see is Volo was there, as he had many connections in the city and would possibly be able to help.

Elvira moved quickly through various taverns throughout The Castle Ward asking them for help and eventually found the information she was looking for from a couple of city watch standing on a street corner. They gave her directions to Mirt's manor house, and she quickly found the place. It was a massive structure that actual stood at the base of Mount Waterdeep in The Trades Ward. It clearly was once a tower at some point before being converted into a house. Elvira approached but realised that high walls surrounded it, and guards stood at the gates. She spoke with them, and tried to explain the situation, but the guards said that they knew nothing of Mirt's business and could not help. Eventually a captain of the guard came to the gate, and explained to her that if she had a membership card showing her affiliation with The Harpers he would be willing to assist, but without one he had no time for her. She explained the situation with Freyr and the guard said he would pass on the information to Mirt, but he would not be letting her in today. She walked away upset and defeated.

Percival found a city watch branch and went in to see if he could get any information. They told him Freyr had been taken to the city lockup, and was awaiting sentencing by a Magistrate. This was as they had feared, and the sentencing was sure to be harsh. He thanked the guards for the information, and with no other ideas on how what to do next decided to go to The Yawning Portal to find the others. When he arrived there the others were having a drink, also wondering what to do next. They hadn't found Volo, and Durnan said he hadn't seen him for a few days.

In the meantime, Elvira had come up with an idea. Whether it was a good one she would soon find out. She went and stood in the street out the front of Mirt's mansion and began screaming his name at the top of her voice. "MIRT! COME OUT HERE!" she screamed. "I KNOW YOU ARE THERE!". She continued for a quite a while, even after the guards moved her on repeatedly. She just kept coming back and starting her shouting. Eventually the captain come out again. He pulled her aside and told her Mirt was disgusted by her behaviour, and by then had heard what went down at the markets that morning. He told her the Mirt requested she and her friends return home to Trollskull Manor, and further instructions would arrive at dusk. She accepted his instructions, and quickly made her way to The Yawning Portal. She found the others there and gave them her news. They weren't sure if it was good or bad, but it was all they had at that moment - so it would have to do. They finished up their drinks then hit the road back to Trollskull.

They waiting patiently back at the manor until the sun began to set, and a knock was heard at the door. Elia opened the door and a young boy handed her a letter, before heading off down the street into the setting sun. She opened the letter and read it aloud to the others. It said that Mirt had pulled some strings and arranged for Freyr to be pardoned, so they should collect him from the city lockup as soon as possible. It also said that he whole situation had left Mirt terribly embarrassed, and that they were not to try to contact him ever again or action would be taken to ensure they stayed away. It was noted on the bottom  in unlined text that he would ensure they would never ever be Harpers. Although very disappointed they were also happy that their friend had been released, and they set out straight away to go collect him.

Upon their arrival Freyr was just coming out the front doors, totally confused as to how he could be getting let out after the crimes he had admitted to. The friends all gathered around him and told him what they had done to get him released. Whilst he was happy to be out - and appreciative - his strong sense of justice meant he still felt he should have been penalised in some way for what had happened. After what had turned out to be a very long and stressful day they were all happy now to again return to Trollskull and put their feet up.

As they walked through the dusty downstairs tavern of their newly acquired home it was Yim this time that noticed the writing in the dust. 'Last Drinks' it read, again looking like it had been written with a tip of a finger. "We need to get this sorted out." Yim said, and they decided to investigate the house thoroughly from top to bottom right the and there. After searching high and low for a good half hour they met back in the tavern, but no one had anything to report. Freyr wondered if maybe the intruder was otherworldly. A Detect Undead spell was cast, and they immediately discovered an apparition floating behind the bar. Yim spoke to the apparition and quickly found that it was not intending to harm them. It could not speak, but understood them, and they discovered it was the spirit of a half-elf named Lif that had devoted his life to this tavern long ago. He didn't die violently, or even in the building. He meant them no harm, but preferred they move on if they didn't intend to restore the Trollskull Tavern to its prior glory. The party hadn't really discussed it at length yet, but they did explain to Lif that they were actually considering doing just that, and the spirit eventually faded for the night, smiling contentedly.

Ches 10 1492

Early the following morning the whole manor shook with an explosion out front. The party clamoured outside to find chaos. Almost directly out front of the manor a huge black scotched area could be seen on the sidewalk. A couple of people screamed in the centre of the room as locals poured out their shops and houses to tend to their burns. Freyr and Yim moved in fast to survey the scene, and could see the explosion was centralised on a very small body (likely a gnome) with two human sized bodies close behind. A few others were also dead from the blast including an older woman and a couple of halfling street performers. These were clearly just people caught in affairs that were not their own - collateral damage. Using the opportunity to get in close before the City Watch arrived Yim could immediately see based on the remnants of their cloaks that the two humans were definitely Zhentarim agents. The gnome appeared to be draped in a dark cloak, and carried a dagger in his charred hand. It was obvious he was being tailed (and knew it) at the time of the explosion. Yim also noted that his boots looked caked in thick 'muck' - a clean sign he had spent time in the sewers recently.

Trollskull Manor

The fireball

Two squads of City Watch arrived, and the street was closed off to ensure no one came in - or went out. As a Griffon Cavalry rider circled high above on his mount two men stepped forward and introduced themselves. "I am Sergeant Saeth Cromley, and this is Barnibus Blastwind, member of The Watchful Order Of Magists And Protectors." They both seemed very serious about the whole situation. The party were ushered to the side whilst the two men looked over the area and the remains. Yim stayed far enough away as to not be ushered back, but was still close enough to listen in. Fala Lefaliir (the herbalist) from Corellon's Crown stepped forward and said she saw something. The Sergeant called her forward and she said that from her botany glasshouse far above the street she saw there were three men tailing the gnome, but one of them survived the explosion. After he got up off the ground he looked like he took something out of the gnome's hand before hobbling away injured. Noting this down, the Sergeant then called out "Did anyone else witness anything we should know about?" and a woman the party hadn't seen before came forward. Yim listened on puzzled as she said that moments before the explosion she had seen what looked like a mechanical man running along the rooves of the buildings. She said it reminded her of the ones they used in the Day Of Wonders parade organised by The House Of Inspired Hands, a temple to Gond.

By that time quite a few people were mulling around the scene and the Sergeant ordered the Watch to move everyone back inside their residences. The party stood at the front windows looking out at the scene. The explosion was only inches from their front porch, and Elvira did comment that she wondered if that was a coincidence or not that it was so close to them. At that moment they heard a crash from behind, and spinning around they saw a small boy was behind the bar and had slipped in the years of built up dust. The group charged at him and grabbed him before he could get away. "Don't hurt me! he begged. "I just wanted to hide until the Watch were gone. They scare me! My name is Marten Trem. My halfling friends were the ones that died out there." He sobbed for a moment, then went on to explain that he saw a metal man running on the roof that throw something down to the street below when the explosion happened. Right after the explosion it ran, and he then saw it threw something away. He heard it rattle down the drain pipe next to him, and when he looked in the barrel at the bottom of the pipe he saw a necklace. After grabbing it out he was scared someone had seen him, and all the guards around scared him, so he ran in here to hide. Elvira asked to see the necklace, and they could all immediately see it wasn't normal. Gold in colour, it contained 4 bright red gems on shorts chains. Percival also mentioned there was an obvious spot for a fifth gem that had been broken off. They quickly determined it was clearly a magical necklace - probably something like a Necklace Of Fireballs.

Sergeant Saeth Cromley And Barnibus Blastwind

Sergeant Saeth Cromley and Barnibus Blastwind

The Watch entered Trollskull, followed by the Sergeant and his investigating companion, wanting to question the group. Seeing the fear in the boy's face Elvira helped him out the back door before they noticed. Percival then retold the tale the boy had told them, substituting himself into the story, and then handed the necklace over. The Sergeant was very happy with their co-operation in the matter, but insisted they not leave town should they be needed for further questioning. Suspecting this whole business may actually be related to them, considering the explosion happened right out front and the Zhentarim were involved, the party decided to do a bit of investigation of their own. The obvious place to start was The House Of Inspired Hands to enquire about the mechanical men they used in their parades.

As it turned out the temple was only about half an hour away in The Sea Ward, but as they approached they immediately saw something unexpected. A man stood on the roof, and the closer they got the more decided they were that he was made of metal - exactly what they had gone there to find. They called out to him, and startled he let go of what was in his hand - a magnificent mechanical bird, that flapped it's wings and took flight. Then it plummeted. The group dived out the way, but Whistlejob was hit in chest by the metal avian. They scooped up the remains, and seeing that the mechanical man was now gone headed inside to find him.

Inside the temple a long passage lay before them. A series a large stone pedestals stood along the walls with items on them, and knowing that The Inspired Hands were inventors the party assumed the assortment of strange items before them were of their design. Amongst the inventions was a four fall tall clock of the most intricate design any of them had ever seen. There was also a small wooden flying machine that looked like the wings would flap if the tiny pilot was to peddle, a miniature model of a red submarine shaped like a manta ray with a brass plate affixed to its pedestal that read "The Scarlet Marpenoth. Lantanese submersible. Launched in 1489 DR.", a helmet equipped with small articulated metal arms and hands that looked like they would slap the wearer in the face, and lastly a miniature model of a mechanical dragon turtle with a brass plate affixed to its pedestal that read "Big Belchy. Sank in Deepwater Harbor on The Day Of Wonders in 1363 DR."

As the looked closely at the plate a bronze dragonborn In robes approached them. "Welcome to The House Of Inspired Hands!" She said. "I am Valetta. How may I assist?". They explained their situation, and Whistlejob also made it very clear he wasn't happy about being assaulted out front. "It sounds like we need to speak to Nim." Valetta said. "Follow me please and I will introduce you". They followed the priest up two flights of stairs before finally coming to a small doors at the attic level. The dragonborn knocked, but got no answer. She then knocked more forcefully and made it clear she was coming in, shouldering the door open.

In the corner of the room covering its face was the mechanical man they had seen on the roof. His metal torso was painted a wonderful gold. Valetta explained that Nim was a Nimblewright, and mechanical man from lands across the oceans, constructed on a small island called Lantan. She personally had not seen any others like him in all her travels. She asked him about the bird that had hit Whistlejob, and he admitted with a strange form of hand gestures it was him and it was an accident. He clearly had no ability to speak. Yim asked him about the Fireball cast in Trollskull Alley and he insisted he knew nothing. Eventually, after a lot of relentless questioning on the topic by Valetta and the party, Nim crumbled and admitted that he had been lonely and built a crude clone of himself. Valetta reprimanded him and told him all his tools would be removed, and he insisted it was the first time he had done something like this. He stood and rummaged through a draw, then handed a small device to Freyr. It looked like part of his body, and was painted in the same bright gold. A tiny colourful umbrella was on top and the party could see it was turning ever so slowly. He motioned to Valetta with a number of hand gestures until the priest understood what he was saying. "Nim claims that you can use this device to track his creation. The closer you are to it, the faster it will turn. It's called a Nimblewright Detector."

Nimblewright Detector

Nimblewright Detector

Valetta lead them from room, and informed Nim he was not to leave his room under any circumstances. He may have been just metal, but the party could visibly see how disappointed he seemed at the directive. "You can probably appreciate how embarrassing this whole situation is for us..." she said. "I'd appreciate your discretion in that matter, and will even offer a reward of 100gps if you return with evidence the construct has been destroyed." She also said she would offer the group some gifts to compensate. She handed Yim some adjustable stilts and Percival a matchless pipe, that somehow lit itself. Whistlejob was given a barking box (that barked loudly like a dog if bumped once set), and Elvira a backpack parachute that could be used if falling from a large height. Lastly she handed Freyr a helmet with small hands protruding from it, similar to the one they had seen on a pedestal. "If you find yourself falling asleep when you don't want to" Valetta said, "The helmet will slap you awake! It's a waking helmet.". They thanked her,  and heading back into the street Freyr held the Nimblewright Detector up high. They could see it turned ever so slowly. "I guess we start walking and see if it speeds up or slows down." Yim suggested.

To be continued...

Outstanding Quests -

Completed Quests -

Kill Count To Date -

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