Denizens & Organisations

The Cragmaw Tribe

First Published 1 July 2016
This article is relative to the world of Toril.

The Cragmaw Tribe are a tribe of goblinoids (goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears) who operate in and around the southern edge of Neverwinter Wood. They mutilate themselves by sharpening their teeth into jagged, pointy razor-like fangs to show their allegiance to the tribe. The tribe is known for attacking travellers and caravans along The Triboar Trail.

The Cragmaws operate in a cellular structure, with smaller groups clustered around the territory they control. A single leader, a ‘king’ rules over all, but the cells each work independently. The cells don't work together often, or even get along with each other in some cases. Within the tribe there is always somebody looking to advance his way to the top, ever ready to kill for the chance.

The Cragmaw Tribe

A group of goblins belonging to The Cragmaw Tribe

Recent Events

Flamerule 15 1490

A party of adventurers (after being attacked) discovered a cave near The Triboar Trail that was used as a base of operations for a large group of Cragmaws. The group was led by a bugbear named Klarg. Overpowered, the party left the caves with many of The Cragmaws still alive.


Eleasis 3 1490

After an attack on Cragmaw Castle the same adventuring party (soon to be known as The Variegated Blades) discovered The Cragmaw's leader was a bugbear named King Grol who had a pet wolf named Snarl. They had made the castle their main headquarters, and desecrated a shrine to Oghma - turning it into an altar to their god, Maglubiyet. It was also found that they had been hired to kidnap Gundren Rockseeker by a mysterious figure known as The Black Spider. The party cleared the castle of the goblinoids.

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